Diocese of Parramatta
Keep connected with the Diocese of Parramatta. Visit: www.parracatholic.org and www.catholicoutlook.org
This is the official page of the Diocese of Parramatta - the Catholic Church in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. All posts and comments should be marked by Christian charity and respect. Any ads/spam will be removed. Thank you. The Diocese reserves the right to remove posts and comments. Any links to external websites or other Facebook pages may also be removed.
The Diocese of Parramatta is the Catholic Church in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains.
The Catholic Diocese of Parramatta was created by Pope John Paul II on 8 April 1986 but most parishes are much older: Parramatta parish was established in 1827, Windsor in 1832 and Penrith in 1839.
Today, the Diocese is home to around 330,000 Catholics in one of the fastest-growing areas of New South Wales, Australia. A Suffragan Diocese of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, the Diocese of Parramatta is west of Sydney and covers 4,289 sq km, reaching from Dundas Valley, west to Katoomba, south to Luddenham, and north to Richmond.
The Diocese is made up of 47 parishes. More than 45,000 students attend one of the 83 Catholic schools in the Diocese.
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#todaysgospel “After Jesus had been born in Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, suddenly some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east asking, ‘Where is the infant king of the Jews?’” Isaiah 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:2-3a,5-6 Matthew 2:1-12 For many of the Eastern Churches, Epiphany is the greatest feast of the year. It reminds us of the missionary vocation of the Christian community from the beginning. It points to the openness of Eastern people to Jesus. As Babylonian astronomy scanned the visible skies, the spiritual wisdom of the East kept exploring the inner horizons of human hope. (God’s Word 2016 Daily Reflections)
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#todaysgospel THE WEDDING AT CANA “‘They have no wine.’ Jesus said, ‘Woman, what do you want from me? My hour has not come yet.’ His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you’… Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water’…and it had turned into wine. 1 John 5:14-21 John 2:1-11 Pope Francis urges us to reach out with compassion to the people at the ‘periphery’. That is what Mother Teresa did with the poor, the most forgotten. Our call always is to reach out to the least deserving people, guilt-laden individuals and self-reproaching communities. They call for help. These are challenges beyond the competence of economists and philosophers. Many prefer to philosophise over the causes of injustice and condemn those who caused them rather than reach out to the victims, offering help. (God’s Word 2016 Daily Reflections)
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Bishop Vincent Long’s Diary
Bishop Vincent Long’s Diary for January and February 2017 http://catholicoutlook.org/bishop-vincent-longs-diary-8/
Bishop Vincent homily from 4 November, 2016
Most Reverend Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv DD STL, Bishop of Parramatta Homily for the Memorial of St Charles Borromeo in Year C 2016 with the RCIA and Sacramental Teams of the Diocese at St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta 4 November 2016 Click here to listen to the homily: http://catholicoutlook.org/bishop-vincent-homily-from-4-november-2016/
German community still welcoming the stranger
The German Catholic community has its roots in Australia with post-World War II migrants, many of whom were refugees from central and eastern Europe. Read about St Raphael’s Chaplaincy at Blacktown in the December issue of Catholic Outlook. German Consulate General Sydney http://catholicoutlook.org/german-community-still-welcoming-the-stranger/
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#todaysgospel “It was at this time that Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised in the Jordan by John. And at once, as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit, like a dove, descending on him. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you’.” 1 John 5:5-13 Mark 1:7-11 “Who can overcome the world?” (1 Jn 5:5). This is a question world-conquerors like Alexander, Caesar or the Conquistadores would have put to themselves while planning their army strategies. It is said that Napoleon carefully studied military strategies of earlier generals. The Christian formula for world-conquest is simple: ‘Place your faith in Jesus Christ’. The meaning of the concept itself would be different. The Christian mission is to reconcile the world. Indeed, the Christian message is that “God was making all mankind his friends through Chris” (2 Cor 5:19). Baptism, in fact, makes us not merely friends, but God’s very own children. The Baptism of Jesus should remind us of this noble identity to which we have been called. (God’s Word 2016 Daily Reflections)
We’re hiring! Administration Assistant
We're hiring! Administration Assistant, Office for Worship In this role you will be responsible for the provision of the full range of administration tasks to support the Liturgy Educator and the work of the office. This role is based within the Office for Worship team in Blacktown. For more information or to apply, click here: http://catholicoutlook.org/were-hiring-administration-assistant/
CMP Store queen of devotional items
Devotional items by the tens of thousands line the shelves of the CMP Store in Granville, a work of the Missionary Sisters of Mary, Queen of the World. Read about this ministry of the 'Queenies' in the December issue of Catholic Outlook. http://catholicoutlook.org/cmp-store-queen-of-devotional-items/
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#todaysgospel “After Jesus had decided to leave for Galilee, he met Philip and said, ‘Follow me’.” 1 John 3:11-21 John 1:43-51 Today people question everything and everybody: institutions, established authorities; competences of individuals, professed intentions; religious norms, moral precepts, cultural traditions, family codes, religious beliefs. Our problem today is that the questioning person walks away like Pilate after asking “What is truth?” No learning is possible without a readiness to learn. (God’s Word 2016 Daily Reflections)
Helping to make a difference in young students’ lives
A recent SRE Celebration Day recognised the work of student catechists who share their faith with Catholic children in state primary schools. Read about their ministry in the December issue of Catholic Outlook. http://catholicoutlook.org/helping-to-make-a-difference-in-young-students-lives/