The Kai Drop
Quality fresh Meats, Poultry, Seafood, Smoked Goods, Greens / Veg & Yummy Kiwi Treats delivered at nominated drop zones near you or to your door..
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facebook.comWhanau we are open today till 3pm........ We've got plenty of pork & bacon bones✔✔ Watercress is fresh az😊 Heaps of mussels rawfish and NZ Kina 👍👍 Rewana bread, steam pudding, Afghans... Nz Paua (frozen) , smoked fish (mullet) Come get some hearty Kai peeps ✌
Morena whanau.....😊 It's WAITANGI weekend ✊✊ We've got some mean maori mean specials👏 6kg pork bones $20.00 2 × NZ Kina $34.00 2kg Brisket on the bone $15.00 Steam pudding & custard $4.00 Raw mussels $5.00 per punnet Smoked fish $12.00ea Fresh cream donuts $20.00 per box Hot in ground hangis $15.00 ea incl frybread Come for a 👀 peeps 114 Queen street st marys..... Kia ora Thekaidrop ✌✌✌
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Morena whanau... 😆 The weather has cooled down a little bit 👏👏 We've been busy down here last few days fresh paint hit the walls it looks good ✔ still some colour to go.... BUT we're open today peeps... Fresh pork & watercress sausages ready to go..... Pork bones 6kg for $20bucks Loads of watercress @ $2.00ea And much more..... come for a nohi whanau... 114 Queen street st marys👍👍 Also Friday delivery is on....↙↙↙↙ KAI & SEAFOOD PACK are avaliable both $50.00 ea...... ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ Kai Pack Seafood Pack 4kg pork bones 1 x kina 3 x watercress 1 x smoked fish 1 x rewana 1kg mussels 1 x raw fish 1 x rawfish 1kg Kumara 1 x rewana Hot ♨ inground hangis will be in the shop apopo $15ea with frybread... Taking orders now please call, txt or p.m Leice 0449125963 or Peter 0433559138 $5.00 delivery fee $50.00 minimum spend Churr & Thank you 😃 Thekaidrop ✌
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Morena whanau.....😁 We'll have hot in-ground hangis in te shop @ 9am $15ea with frybread Fresh cream donuts avaliable today👍👍 Pork bones & bacon bones first in first served ... Watercress is flying out the door ... Smoked fish.....Fresh mussels......rewana bread..... Raw fish........ frybread.....Fresh kinas..... Steam puddings.....Afghans.......brisket......lamb flaps.... 114 Queen street st marys ....✌✌✌
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Kia ora whanau.....😊 Hot hangis are in the whare $15ea with fry bread..... Fish fresh outta the smoker $12ea... ooosshh they selling fast whanau get in quick .. we're open till 5pm today come down if you want some hearty Kai.... 114 Queen street st marys.....
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Sydney peeps....👍 We're open apopo (AUSTRALIA DAY) ..6am - 12pm ... come down for a Kai we'll have 30 hot hangis in store at 8.30am... Fresh hot smoked fish🐟 and much more..... Pre-order so u don't miss out 😊 Also for Friday deliveries we have the ↙↙↙ Kai pack 4kg pork bones 3 × watercress 1 x rewana 1 x raw fish 1kg Kumara ⬆⬆⬆⬆ $50.00 saving you $$$$ whanau... Seafood pack 1 x smoked fish 1 x Nz kina 1 x raw fish 1 x rewana 1kg mussels All ⬆⬆ for $50 bucks Hangis will be on the road Friday 2 👍👍 We're taking orders now ... Please p.m , txt or call Leice 0449125963 Peter 0433559138 Thank you ✌✌✌
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Kia ora whanau 😁 Thank you's for been patient ....👍👍 This week we'll be loaded with Kai in the shop!!!👊👊 Come on down for a nohi @ 114 Queen Street St Mary's. Also shop hours are: Monday - Wednesday 8am -- 4pm Thursday - Friday 7am -- 5pm Saturday 7am -- 3pm Sunday 7am -- 1pm We'll be open AUSTRALIA DAY 6am - 12pm so you'll have to get in quick whanau ✊ Our delivery service is still avaliable FRIDAYS only prices for this are the same as before.. P.m for more details... Hot inground♨ hangis will be in the shop every Friday and Sunday ✔ $15ea incl fry bread.. Come check us out peeps!!!! Kia ora & Thank you Thekaidrop✌
The Kai Drop's cover photo
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Kia ora whanau😁 Tommorrow we will be open from 6.30am till 1pm..... We'll have hot INGROUND Hangi's $15ea incl frybread (25) only so if you want some holla👌👌 Big mihi to everyone for the tautoko👍 last 3 days has been Mean maori mean 😃😃😃 We got heaps of yum kai peeps come on down to 114 Queens street St marys .....!!!!!!
Morena Poihakena 😊 Wow the last 2 days have been 👍👍 thanks to yous... Today we are stocked up with some yum kai to go all round I hope 😂.. Rewana Bread $10ea will be fresh this morning az well as the yummiest frybread $5 a bag that never last till 11am..👌 Bacon bones $5.99kg limited stock Pork bones 6kg $20.00 or $3.99kg Paua $21.00 punnet Steam pudding $10.00ea Plenty of NZ Kina $18ea Watercress 1.20 bunch Rawfish $8.00ea Shelled mussels $5.00ea Smoked fish $12.00ea Large Pacific Oysters $21 doz or half for $12 Afghans $10.00 packet Boo boos $7.00ea (sea snail) Steam pudding with custard $4.00ea yumm!!! Smoked mussels $10 per doz We'll be open @ 8am till 3pm sharp so get in early whanau hope to see you all out there ✌ Kia Ora TheKaiDrop 😃
Kia Ora whanau...... Now that I have time to post this......👍 Hot hangi's are avaliable $15ea with frybread Smoked fish hot outta the smoker are ready $12ea Pork bones are meaty az 6kg $20 bucks Watercress is avaliable limited stock so get in fast👌 $2.00ea NZ Kinas $18.00 And much more if you want some kai come down for a nohi whanau.. Stay safe in this weather looks like it's gunna storm🌩 Kia ora & Thank you Thekaidrop
Kia ora whanau 😊😊 Thanks to all the peeps who come out today u fullas are awesome ✊✊ much ❤ And for every1 who has made orders for drop off please note that delivery prices are still the same as b4... If yous want the good deals come on down to 114 Queen Street St marys and we'll hook you up 👍 Hangi's will be hot & ready at 9am apopo if you want 1 pre order so you don't miss out well only have (25) $15ea with frybread ... Smoked fish will be hot and ready too 😎 $12.00 small $15.00 large So come get your kai on Whanau 👌👌 Kia Ora & Thank you Thekaidrop