Bio-Oz is a brand of Buckwheat Enterprises Pty Ltd. Our products include Buckwheat Flour and Kernels, Buckwheat Hull, Buckwheat Hull Pillows, Spelt, Emmer BIO-OZ is registered by Buckwheat Enterprises PTY LTD. Our Buckwheat Flour and Kernels are 100% Australian grown, tested chemical residue free & tested gluten free, Our pillows are 100% Australian grown buckwheat hull & 100% Australian woven cotton
We are committed to sustainable farming practices. Buckwheat Enterprises Pty Ltd process and export buckwheat and are major suppliers of Australian grown spelt and are currently developing Emmer and Khorasan as a range of high quality ancient wheat baking flours.
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How to Roast Bio-oz Buckwheat Kernels Place raw buckwheat kernels either on the stovetop in a frying pan, or on a baking tray in an oven heated to 160C. Roast for roughly 10 minutes or until light brown in color and fragrant. Take off the heat before desired colour as the grains continue to darken until they are cool. Buy our Bio-Oz Kernels now -
Bio-Oz Buckwheat Pancakes (Gluten Free)
I hope you'll be cooking this up on the weekend Yuummm!! Bio-Oz Buckwheat Pancakes #GlutenFree #BuckwheatPancakes #pancakes 1 cup Bio-Oz Buckwheat Flour 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 1/4 cups milk 1 large egg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Sunflower oil, for the frying pan Combine all ingredients, except sunflower oil, and mix until a smooth batter. Heat frying pan or skillet on medium heat. Add sunflower oil and pour in enough batter for 1 or 2 pancakes. When bubbles start to form on top of pancake, turn pancake over to cook the other side. for more great recipes visit
Bio-Oz | Buckwheat Enterprises, Kernels, Hull, Pillows, Spelt, Flour,
We're excited about the recent relaunch of our website we hope you visit us and checkout our great products #buckwheathullpillows #buckwheatflour #buckwheatkernels #Glutenfree #recipes #buckwheathull #emmerflour
Bio-Oz Buckwheat Enterprises's cover photo
Bio-Oz Buckwheat Enterprises
Bio-Oz Buckwheat Enterprises