Modern-Day Meditation Perth
Active, guided meditation that will help you open your heart and find the inner strength to achieve your spiritual and material goals. The Modern-Day Meditation is a dynamic, active, guided meditation that will help you open your heart, calm your being, and think about areas of your life that need focus. Deepen your spiritual connection, awaken your consciousness, and find the inner strength to achieve your spiritual and material goals, and open up into unconditional love!
• Expand your consciousness
• Release stress and negativity through movement of the body
• Connect deeply to Divine Presence within
• Rejuvenate your soul
• Find connection.
An active evening of meditation and self-exploration.
No meditation experience is required; you will be guided through this active meditation that includes music and movement.
This is a great meditation for people who have a hard time sitting still or who feel discouraged by more traditional quiet meditation practices and who want to try something more active that will actually bring you into a natural state of calm.
Refreshments and social time available after meditation.
Must be 18 yrs and over.
We are located at:
North Fremantle Community Hall
2 Thompson Road , North Fremantle
Tell your friends
''Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love.'' Love is the key, love is the answer, love is the solution!
Bentinho Massaro
Macy Gray - Beauty In The World
Dear Friends Wishing you a beautiful Sunday. If you can take some time to focus on loving yourself. Nurture yourself, do something that you really love like having a bath or going for a walk. Appreciate the beauty around you and inside your heart. When we take care of ourself we are deepening the connection with love which changes everything for the better. We hope to see you tomorrow night at meditation, deepening our love within ourself and in the world. With love the meditation team.
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“If you can be with the fear, it’s a great opportunity, because you can move through it and on the other side there’s more awareness, more light, more truth, more love waiting for you always on the other side of the fear. And then you look back and you’ll see there was nothing to fear, but yet you were afraid. “ Kalindi
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Rebecca Ferguson - Nothing's Real but Love
"Nothing's real but love"
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You must open your heart and be receptive to whatever comes in your meditations. It will vary so much. It may come gently as a sweet gentle love or there may be intense fear. You may experience a great struggle through darkness before a breakthough into the light, or there may be just a continual growing of awareness and understanding. I am discussing this so you do not get caught up in thinking your meditations should be a certain way. You must begin to be open and receptive. Surrender to what it is you need to experience; then it will come. Do not go to meditations with expectations. Expectations will stop what needs to come. - Gourasana
Think For Yourself
Dear Friends, We have been going through some changes with our venue in the last month and we are happy to say that we are now back to our original day and venue, as it was last year. The day of the week will be - Monday The venue - North Fremantle community centre - 2 Thompson Rd, North Fremantle. Time - 7:15pm - 9:30pm Starting this coming Monday - 8/2/2016 Thank you for sticking with us through the changes, We are looking forward to meditating together. All the very best. The Freedom Walk Meditation Team.
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Dear Friends, I would like to encourage you to join us for a powerful evening of meditation, looking into your purpose for the year to come. It will be great to ignite our passion for ourself and the world together. I hope you can join us Thursday January 7 - 7:15pm North Fremantle Community Centre 2 Thompson Rd, North Fremantle. With Love, Avi