Leadbear's Tufts
Leadbear’s Tufts are proudly handmade in Australia by Leadbear (Barry)... on Mrs Leadbear’s kitchen table... much to her annoyance.
Welcome to my Facebook Page.
Unfortunately I do not have a website yet, but hope to soon. Sorry about that.
Please feel free to contact me at leadbear@internode.on.net if you have any questions regarding the products.
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facebook.comHi All, Sorry it has been a little while between post. There's not too much to report really. It is school holidays here at the moment. I have also been busy finishing off a few little projects that have been sitting gathering dust for more time than I care to admit. Of these projects was the mammoth hunting ad VSF game TUSK. I have owned Tusk since the 1990’s, but it was one of those projects that never seemed to come to fruition. I finally bit the bullet when Khurasan Miniatures released their range of 5mm Cavemen and Cavewomen. I decided to use the dip method of painting to get the miniatures painted as quickly as possible and I was so please with the results I decided to paint up a Hordes of the Things Stone Age Army and a Stone Age Beast counterpart. For those of you not familiar with this game, the following description is from the BoardGameGeek sums it up quite well, "Tusk is a beer-and-pretzels hunting game using 15mm miniatures on a terrain board (conversion to other scales is not difficult.) Players represent hunters who either are cavemen or Victorian (Lost World) hunters hunting mammoths or dinosaurs. The rules are tongue-and-cheek and easy to follow. Solitaire play is facilitated by the system's animal reaction tables which detail how an animal reacts to certain actions by the player(s.) Three basic scenarios are included in the rules." The rules are available from Eureka Miniatures (along with Leadbear’s Tufts), Irregular Miniatures and as a PDF from Wargames Vault.
I hope this message finds you all well? I have been quite busy filling orders and making tufts and just like to thank everyone for their kind words, support and patience. I have had a few inquiries regarding the availablility of my catalogue. If you would like a copy, please send message via Facebook or an email to leadbear@internode.on.net There should also be a list, prices and information on how to order tufts from me in the note section.
Hi, Just letting you know that I am still around and making tufts. If you wish to find out more please feel free to send me a Facebook Message or email me at leadbear@internode.on.net. I will forward you a copy of my very ordinary catalogue, along with how you can get your paws on some of my tufts. Alternately, please feel free to support my stockist. If you live in Adelaide, please see the chaps at Military Hobbies on Port Road. If you’re on your way to Adelaide and are passing through Murray Bridge, then call into the Murray Bridge Newsagency and Toyworld. While you're in Murray Bridge, make sure to check out the Bunyip! For those of you who reside in Melbourne, Nic Robson of Eureka Miniatures may be able to help you out with some of my range. In Brisbane Paul at The Emperor's Legions stocks a range of my tufts. Also stocking Leadbear's tufts in Queensland is Shane from Campaign Books & Games Logistics. And last, but not least, The Lads at Toy soldier Imports who can be found at www.toysoldierimports.com
I would like to take the opportunity to wish those travelling on the roads this long weekend a safe journey! Not much to report. I have been busy working on getting orders made and shipped and trying to find time to work on a few more varieties of the leafy and stony tufts.
Hi All, I hope 2017 is off to a great start for you all. I apologise for the lack of activity on my part. I am not in hibernation, I’ve just been busy with the start of the new school year here, orders (thank you very much!), and finishing off some projects that have been sitting around for far too long. Thanks for all the kind words and photos that you fine folks post about my products. I am quite chuffed seeing the tufts on the bases and I am extremely glad that you like the tufts. I plan on sharing some of this work on the page in the future. As some of you are aware, I have been working on a few new varieties. One item is my new version of the ‘Stoney Tufts’. These will be available in a week or so. These are supplied on half sized sheets and contain 11 tufts with a variety of leafy and flowering tufts, along with stones. These will cost $4.00 + postage. There will be a couple of varieties of base coloured static grass used. I believe the tufts you are referring to use the dry coloured static grass. Another will use the static grass used for the 'Wild Grass' tufts and will have grey coloured stones and 'greener' leafy tufts and brighter flowers such as pinks and purples. Well, that’s all for now. Barry
Leadbear's Tufts
As the festive season and end of the year approaches, all of us here at Leadbear’s Tufts would like to wish all of our family, friends, likers and their extended families are safe and happy during this period of *insert your celebration of your choice*. 2016 has certainly been an interesting year for me and I would like to personally thank all my customers, both retail and personal, for their patience, kind words and mentions over the past year. I am truly, very, very appreciative. All the best from, Barry (Leadbear) Toni (Mrs Leadbear) Liam (Mini-Bear) The Other Barry (Barry Bear)
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Thanks for all the fun Mr Dever - Leadbear and Mrs Leadbear :(
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