Top Local Places

Ezy find

Po Box 265, Murray Bridge, Australia
Professional Service



Ezy find Is more than just a directory! We connect you direct to all business and professional services for whatever you want done or repaired. Ezy find  
Needing a local business or professional service?
What ever you need done or repaired, we`ll help speed up the process as we have various quality business and professional service members just waiting for us to contact them.
Welcome to Easy find! This is more than a directory for business and professional services. Ezy find is the ezy way to connect with local business and professional services.
How does it work?
Simply contact us via email, phone or PM job description with contact details then we will forward your details to our appropriate business/ tradie members which will then contact you.
Best of all this service is free to the consumer!
Ezy As

Membership subscription-
Businesses and Tradies who would like to become a member we currently have a 30day free trial subscription, no obligation, cancel anytime. If you choose to continue to be a member after the trial period your account will revert to a fee of $20.00 per month.  For further details and to register please contact us.


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Timeline Photos

Ezy find's cover photo

Ezy find's cover photo

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