Gambier Seeds
For all your Public & Proprietary pasture seeds requirements contact us For all of your public and proprietary seed and fertilizer requirements contact us or call in and speak to our friendly team at Gambier Seeds.
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While the heat of the last couple of days wasn't that great for the majority of us, a couple of crops actually love it. Photos of Pioneer P0021 and Magna Lucerne crops south of Mount Gambier from yesterday.
Photos from Gambier Seeds's post
Most people only think Lucerne when it comes to late spring planted legume options for hay under irrigation. These photos show a blend put together for a short term irrigated high quality hay option this season. Contains peas and vetch for initial bulk with white and red clovers for the subsequent cuts. Planted in November ready for first cut.
Naracoorte Seeds
One of our Maize crops going in this year. Final few hectares of 110 for one of our clients south of Mt Gambier. Thanks to JiggAg for their work on a successful planting - challenging this year with low soil temperatures delaying start and a "rain delay" thrown in as well. Seeding unit -: Liquid fertiliser for in furrow in front tank, maize planter & seed boxes with granular bin for offset banded fertiliser.
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Irrigation season has started now around Mount Gambier - a couple of things we are reminding clients who are wondering when to fire up the irrigator this year: after our long wet winter and spring , most plants root systems are smaller than normal so there is a lower RAW value (which is a function of soil moisture holding ability AND root depth). Also, we are about to start ryegrass reproductive period. Under watering now will lead to more reproductive material than vegetative so pasture quality will decline faster and to a greater extent. Get out in the paddock and check - don't just assume it's still wet enough! 👍
Photos from Gambier Seeds's post
Making silage while the sun shines. A lot of country going down in this weather window. Tedding straight after the mower and generally following day and morning of pick up day gets it in, even in a season like this one. Well worth the effort to bring in quality material.
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Weather window opened up for some silage making this week on the back of some rain Monday and showers Tuesday. Feed quality of the material being cut is still very high - here's hoping the forecast stays true & it all gets made without a hitch 👍
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Looking for a high quality hay Lucerne for your irrigation? Give us a call to discuss whether the new Magna Lucerne options may be what you are looking for. Pictured is a Magna stand taken mid September. Sown earlier this year, this stand has produced exceptional yields and quality forage in its first year. And it's growth so far this spring in less than ideal Lucerne conditions south if Mount Gambier is nothing short of impressive.
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Irrigated Lucerne stand over sown with annual ryegrass - ideal silage mix about to be dropped this week.
Hello and welcome to the Gambier Seeds Facebook page! "Like" this page to stay up to date with all of the latest products and services on offer in the Lower South East and Western Victoria. With our business undergoing significant management changes over the last 6 months, we are excited for what the future holds. We look to maintain the reliable service that you have become accustomed to over the years, as well as bring in some new pasture mixes, irrigation blends, summer fodder crop blends, fertilizer supply and animal mineral mixes. Come in store to see some of the changes for yourself and meet our friendly and knowledgeable team!
Gambier Seeds