What do the letters FHDL mean to you, to me
F- fun, fitness, food, fabulous
H- happiness, health, heart
D- determined, different
L- Love, laughter,
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What little white lies have you told your children! My kids think figs are lolly pops 🍭
11 hours until I need to start making lunch boxes again for another year! Good luck to all the little ones starting school this year, also good luck to the parents crying in their cars! Take some tissues!
Love What Matters
So true, sometimes we all feel under appreciated but when it comes down to it hearing I love you out of the little ones mouth my smile conquers all the anguish of the day! Hug the tight! Xo 😘
Celeb Funny Videos
How cute is this!
NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt
Get the tissues out omg
Mum's Grapevine
Love it
Nova 919
What a shock 😳
Timeline Photos
I need this reminder set everyday. 😀 #mumlife
FHDL Mum's cover photo
😍😍😍😍omg so squishy!
When leggings go wrong, it looks like this. I lost it at number 4.
Two things don't lie children and leggings! Number one can not be unseen hehe
Mom Babble by Mary Katherine Backstrom
Yep this sums up home life after school pick up