Christine Davies TCM Remedial Massage Therapy
Christine Davies TCM Remedial Massage Therapy
Specializing in;
TCM Remedial Massage
Remedial/Sports Massage
Swedish Massage Christine Davies TCM Remedial Massage Therapy is a small massage business owned and operated by myself, Christine, after recently completing the Diploma of TCM Remedial Massage Therapy in 2016.
Soon to be available at Red Dragon Martial Arts. In the meantime mobile appointments are available for booking.
With a variety of massage therapy styles offered, the clinic will suit all massage needs, appealing mostly to those looking to incorporate massage as part of their regular overall health and wellbeing program.
Swedish Massage
A relaxation massage aimed to reduce stress and alleviate muscular pain and tension.
30 minutes $45
60 minutes $70
90 minutes $90
Remedial/Sports Massage
A deep tissue massage aimed to improve range of movement in joints and relieve pain associated with injury, musculoskeletal disorders or to assist in sport performance.
30 minutes $45
60 minutes $70
Tuina (Chinese Acupressure Massage)
A therapeutic massage following the meridians and applying pressure on acupressure points in order to move Qi and blood, soften the muscles, relieve pain and bring a state of balance into the body. This treatment is traditionally applied over clothing and may involve the use of liniments, cups and/or Gua Sha.
30 minutes $45
60 minutes $70
Tell your friends
facebook.comBegin your weekend with a relaxing massage and start your week feeling revitalised 😌 Appointments available for tomorrow morning from 8am, just message me your preferred time ☺
We are always hearing thing's like "just take a few breaths" or "breath in positive energy and out negative energy" but don't we already do that 24/7 already!! Here is a quick video that explains HOW to breath effectively 😌 If you would like some breathing techniques to help with sleep or to help keep you calm and centered, come in for a chat or send me a message anytime ☺
Appointments available for tomorrow morning ☺🤗💆👐
Do you find it hard to get in for a massage after work? I am available from 3:30pm to 7pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ☺
Is anyone else struggling to keep up with their water intake? The cool weather makes it difficult for me! Here are some useful tips that may help, I'm going to try 5,6 & 7 ☺💧
As a massage therapist I do NOT care about: Body hair, anywhere on anyone! It is a natural thing, our body grows hair, no need to hide from it. Strange noises, almost everyone gets gurgly noises and the occasional fart, it's perfectly normal! Body fat, please don't apologize or let it stop you from getting treatments. As a massage therapist I DO care about your health and well-being, giving you the best treatment for your individual needs and getting the results you are looking for ☺
I went to visit one of my old teachers today to do a bit of a cupping workshop. It was great to see some different techniques used, I can't wait to try some out! Let me know if you are interested in adding some cupping to your next treatment 😀
Massage might feel like a special treat but it is actually the oldest form of medicine. Beside from the wonderful feeling massage gives us, it is also really healthy for us, assisting in release of muscle tension, increasing joint mobility, improving muscle tone and posture, boosting immunity and energy, reduce stress and risk of injury. So next time you feel guilty for "treating yourself" remember all the beneficial things you are doing for your quality of life, you deserve this ☺🤗👐💆
I still have some available, just pop in to get one for yourself!
Today is bring your dog to work day! I would love to bring my beautiful girls to work but here is a picture instead 😁 Karma is the white one, she is 6 but we've only had her for 5 months (she just wanted me to stop taking photos and hand over the treat) and the other one is Ava, she is 1 1/2 and the baby of the family (she is trying her best to smile 😄). Love my fur kids ❤❤🐶🐶
I have started giving new members at Red Dragon Martial Arts a voucher for $20 off and have some spares here to give away! Come and see me this afternoon to get one for yourself 😁