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Beaches Physio

11 Peita Crescent, Mona Vale, Australia
Professional Service



Experienced physiotherapist musculoskeletal, women's health physiotherapy. Treatments - acupuncture, core strengthening and pelvic floor strengthening.

  Exercise rehabilitation including pilates and core stability training,neck, back and pelvic pain,ligament strain/ muscle tears,adolescent related growth pains, pre-surgical/ post-operative rehabilitation, joint pains and stiffness,ante- and post natal back pain, recti diastasis,incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and bladder training.


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Osteoarthritis is a common inflammatory condition and often patients may seek supplements. There is some advocacy for the use of fish oils. Dietary induced weight loss and physical exercise such as aerobic and strength exercises can have improvements in pain, function and quality of life. Importantly, weight loss has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammatory markers. Anile, M(2016) Frontline.

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Cortisol and the brain! Cortisol is a stress hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. The brain determines what is actual stressors.The brain can change structurally and chemically to acute and chronic stressors. A simple way we can counteract the effects cortisol has on our bodies is by improving our outlook on life and working on our social interactions. Higher levels of cortisol are linked to sleep problems and found in people suffering from loneliness and poor self-esteem. (McEwen, 2009)

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Exhale on Effort. In Pilates the ribs expand laterally on inhalation; and on exhalation the diaphragm relaxes, and the deep abdominal muscles engage. By training our body in this way we learn to effectively engage our core when performing tasks that require core stability and strength.

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Neck pain can be caused by facet joint stiffness. Gentle rotation exercises and facet joint mobilisation can quickly resolve symptoms.

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Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year!

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Beaches Physio's cover photo

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What is Piriformis syndrome? It is a condition in which the one of the deep buttock muscles called the piriformis,spasms and causes buttock pain. Due to its location this muscle can also irritate the nearby sciatic nerve and cause pain, numbness and tingling along the back of the leg and into the foot. As physiotherapists, we can apply gentle release techniques to the muscles which help to alleviate the pressure on the sciatic nerve.

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What are the symptoms of TMJ disorder? Hedaches Ear ache/ ringing in the ears Facial pain radiating to the neck or shoulder Locking/ clicking of the jaws Difficulty swallowing/chewing Some treatments that may help: Gentle jaw exercises Heat Soft tissue release of the facial neck and shoulder muscles Acupuncture Ultrasound Jaw Splints Stress reduction Anti-inflammatories

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What is Autoimmune Disease? Autoimmune disease occurs when your body/immune system produces antibodies (proteins) which destroy your own cells. It may be linked to viruses/bacteria, chemical or environmental irritants.You are more susceptible to this disease if you have a family member suffering from this. Commons types include:- Rheumatoid Arthritis- inflammation of joints and surrounding tissues Type 1 Diabetes - destruction of insulin producing cell in the pancreas Celiac Sprue - reaction to gluten Inflammatory bowel disease - affecting colon and small intestine Sjogren's disease- dry mouth and eyes Grave's disease -Overactive Thyroid Skin conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo Test for these conditions include - Antibody tests Complete blood count C-reactive protein and Erythrocyte sedimentation rate The following non medical treatments may help : eat a balanced and healthy diet exercise regularly get plenty of rest take vitamin supplements decrease stress limit sun exposure avoid any known triggers of flare-ups Medical treatments include: hormone replacement therapy, if necessary blood transfusions, if blood is affected anti-inflammatory medication, if joints are affected pain medication, immunosuppressive medication.

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Are you experiencing recurrent ankle sprains? You may find that the key to improving this is proprioception exercises, these improve the link between the brain and your ankle and increases body part awareness of the body part. You may start off with balancing on a wobble board for as long as you can without the edges touching the floor. Try to aim for over 2 minutes without touching the floor. You may progress this by throwing a ball, standing on a single leg or squatting on a single leg on the wobble board.

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Do I have a prolapse? Some of the sensations that can be experienced when you have a prolapse are vaginal heaviness, fullness or a dragging sensation. You may not be aware that you have a prolapse. You may or may not notice a bulge in the vagina. The bladder, uterus or rectum may bulge into the vagina and this can happen post birth, following a difficult labor and or following perineal trauma.

Photos from Beaches Physio's post

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Are you experiencing pubis symphysis pain and or dysfunction? If you have a pelvis torsion from a previous fall or injury, this could mean that your pubic rami are poorly aligned, correcting this together with myofascial releases could reduce your symptoms significantly!

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