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Walking Tall Exercise Physiology

70 Piet st, Altona, Melbourne, Australia
Recreation & Fitness



Exercise Prescription and interventions for people with chronic illnesses or injuries, using exercise as a form of medication.

Exercise physiologists. What we do.

Exercise physiologists are 4-year university qualified masters degree under the umbrella of an allied health professional, who specialize in the delivery of exercise, lifestyle and behavioural modification programs for the prevention and management of chronic diseases and injuries. EPs provide physical activity and behavior change support for clients with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, depressions, cancer, arthritis, COPD and many more.

ESSA provides the national accreditation program for exercise physiologists. Accredited exercise physiologists (AEPs) are recognized as allied health professionals and are eligible to register with Medicare Australia, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, WorkCover and have recognition among a number of health insurers.

At Walk Tall Exercise Physiology we educate the ageing population about the importance of regular exercise and express our knowledge and understanding of specifically tailored exercise regimes through fun, enjoyable, and safe group classes, fit for 55+ adults who want to grab hold of their youth and remain independent eager to continue enjoying their retirement.

provides personalised one-on-one consultations with experienced Exercise Physiologists to teach you how to move and perform exercise with perfect execution. This provides you with the tools and knowledge of how to manage your condition and perform your exercises yourself at home.

Before you start, we recommend all our clients undertake an Initial Assessment to identify your health problems and understand your medical and exercise history. At this time we identify your barriers to exercise, set safe and realistic goals to reduce the symptoms related to your condition, and get you involved in one of our tailored exercise classes or one on one consultations to help better your lifestyle so you can continue doing the things you love.


Is exercise the best medicine?

Exercise to treat mental illness! A great video to understand the benefits of exercise with eye opening statistics that really hit home!

Snap Fitness Armadale


Snap Fitness Armadale

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Lose weight the right way, lifestyle change! It's never too late to start. Lifestyle programs with Walking Tall!

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Walking Tall Exercise Physiology's cover photo

Change your life today :)

Walking Tall Exercise Physiology's cover photo

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Our Philosophy in a nutshell! To train and educate!

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An excuse I hear day in and day out " I don't have time" and " it's old age" . Get your priorities in order and plan ahead! Get a program designed specifically for you that fits you're lifestyle and schedule!

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Weight bearing exercise interventions are vital for prevention osteoporosis and reversing osteopenia patients! WALK TALL and see your specialist now to train the right way!

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3 in 10! Don't just 'deal' with your daily pain, it won't go away, it will eventually get worse!

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Would you prefer to invest money in your health or blow it on you're medical expenses and time off work/sport?

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Exercise Right Week! Anyone wanting a Weight-loss program (Diet and Exercise) I am giving FREE! 15 minute consultation to promote healthy living! Health is Wealth. Inquire Now and change your life!

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Snap Fitness Armadale

WALKING TALL Operating out of SNAP fitness Armadale a few days a week!

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Age is just a number, don't let your body deteriorate! It's not too late to start exercising! EXERCISE RIGHT WEEK

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