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Optimal Performance Training

-, Melbourne, Australia
Recreation & Fitness



Run by Dennis Pereira, Optimal Performance training aims provide proper training programming regardless of the goal or sport. Optimal > 'It works for me'


PERSISTENCE Been a few months since I’ve posted due to life getting in the way – so today I’m going to discuss an intangible topic and one of my favourite things to talk about when it comes to pursuing your goal/s in any sport or endeavour in life; persistence. Having the characteristic of persistence is absolutely paramount if you’re willing to dedicate yourself to a long term goal of any kind. The ability to work hard at the little things and work diligently through adversity is what makes a persistent person. The ability to not let go of the end result or goal and keep moving forward is what defines persistence. In life we face many challenges; whatever they may be, a challenge is set upon us to test us as individuals. Whether you’re a pro athlete or someone just wanting to lose a bit of weight, challenges are always going to arise and no one’s challenges should be compared to others – we all fight our own battles. But this is what forges us into the people we become and we should constantly be evolving and learning from the challenges we face; this is all part of the journey towards the end result, and what makes it worth it. If we were given the end result instantly without working for it and enduring hardships, we would never understand the satisfaction of achievement. So I encourage anyone reading this to not give up on seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is a lifetime away – chip away every day no matter the circumstances and always keep the end result in mind. Persist through the hardships, the times of adversity and the days you just don’t want to work out or go to work – if you put the work in and don’t bullshit your way to your final destination, you can achieve anything you want to. - Dennis If you're looking for 1-on-1 personal training sessions in the western suburbs or personalised online training programs, call me on 0412268818 or email me at


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