Marrickville Marauders Fencing Club
The Marrickville Marauders is a fencing club run by nationally accredited coach, Jessica Brooks, at the Marrickville PCYC.
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Marrickville Marauders Fencing Club started back for 2016 yesterday.
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Great Singapore meet for all. Australia fencers arrive home tomorrow Australia Day with 2 bronze medals Mens and Womens Sabre Team events. Great results for all Australian fencers involved.
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Marauders members Finlay and Kai have been busy in Singapore with 5 days training leading up to Singapore Cadet World Cup competition. Yesterday 23 January the boys fenced in the Men's Sabre Individual with great final results Kai 13 and Finlay 23. Congratulations and good luck for teams event tomorrow 25 January.
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Singapore bound to fence in the Singapore Cadet World Cup Marauders members Finlay and Kai Sydney Airport this am, Good luck to the boys and all the other Australian fencers.