French Bakery producing traditionnal french baguettes, belgian waffles and coffee for local customers French bakery that bakes 3 batches per day so you have fresh bread all day long, like in France
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WE ARE CLOSED UNTIL 21 JANUARY 2017 (7AM) It has been a pleasure to write a post every day since opening and while we are CLOSED I will take a little break too and be back for the re-opening - once again have a beautiful, safe and joyful Christmas and New Year with your loved ones. Below is a picture taken yesterday (last day before closing) and we baked nearly twice as much as per normal and yet were sold out before 1pm! Thank you all for the vote of confidence. xox from the Label Baguette team 🌲
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LAST DAY IN 2016, WE ARE CLOSING TODAY.... Hello everyone, today is our last day! We will be closing at 2 pm (or when sold out) and we will reopen on Saturday 21 January 2017 at 7am. One option for you, if you want to continue to enjoy Stephane's bread, is to buy more, freeze it when fresh and defrost it at room temperature or in a low oven - another option is to go cold turkey when we are closed and just eat cakes in the mean time ;) However you choose to cope, rest assured we will be back. In the mean time we wish you a really beautiful Christmas with your loved ones and a fantastic New Year 2017!
Label Baguette's cover photo
Maroubra Community
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :) :) :)
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ONLY 3 DAYS BEFORE CLOSING HOHOHO, have yourselves a beautiful, safe Christmas - don't forget to "slip, slap, slop" if you go to the beach :) We will be closed from Saturday 24 December 2pm and re-open on Saturday 21 January 2017. Happy Christmas holidays everyone from Stephane, Kevin, Sophie, Fanfan, Julie, Brigitte and Anne-Sophie :) xox
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WHY IS LABEL BAGUETTE CLOSING FOR SO LONG OVER CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR? Closing from Saturday 24 December PM to Saturday 21 January AM I hear you, how are we going to cope without the fresh baguette we now buy daily???? Well, Stephane, the baker, has 3 grown up sons who live in Paris for their studies and he misses them, so he will be flying to France on Christmas eve to be with them. Also, what you might not know, is that it took 9 months to set up shop and get things ready for the bakery of his dream. Stephane vision was very clear, he was not going to settle for less - he wanted a place where people could feel welcomed (hence the bi-folding doors that let the prams, trolleys or whatever bulky things you might have come in), he wanted for customers to be able to see the whole bread making process (from making the dough, kneading, shaping, baking and taking out of the oven). He has made his dream come true and we are all so grateful for it - he has this talent of sprinkling love and passion on his bread and it tastes even better because of it. So really, he has deserved this break, because after all, Christmas is about loved ones and being together... So "bon vent" Stephane and we wish you a beautiful time with your family :)
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DID YOU KNOW THIS FRENCH CHRISTMAS TRADITION OF THIRTEEN DESSERTS? Once you've eaten all the seafood and birds you can imagine, as well as a cheese course, then you have no less than 13 desserts waiting for you at the end. Or at least you do if you are in Provence. The 13 desserts represent Jesus and the 12 apostles and are normally made up of dried fruit, such as dates and figs, as well as a traditional cake called "pompe a l'huile". As you know Label Baguette will be closed for nearly 4 weeks over the festive season so why not try this recipe? "La pompe à l'huile" for 8 people 500 g flour 25 g yeast 75 g sugar 10 g salt 150 g olive oil 1 lemon 1 orange Prepare a dough by mixing 200 g of flour with the yeast and a glass of warm water. Let it rise for 45 min. Add the olive oil, the rest of the flour and the zest of the lemon and orange and kneed slowly. Let it rise for 3 hours. Spread the dough to form a disk about 30 cm in diametre. Make some decorative cuts and leave it in a warm place for another hour. Cook in a hot oven (200°C) for 15 min. Brush liberally with olive oil as soon as it is taken out of the oven.
Label Baguette
DON'T FORGET THE SPECIAL BREADS ON WEEK DAYS EACH DAY OF THE WEEK = SPECIAL BREAD just so everyone is clear we are baking each day of the week a special bread loaf (600g so twice as big as a batard) Tuesday = #multigrain Wednesday = #wholemeal Thursday = #countrybread (wheat, rye and sourdough) Friday = #kibblebread (rye & wheat) We haven't had many takers so I would just like to highlight that these loaves are extremely good value for money, twice as big as a normal loaf (600g) yet not twice the price - should be $8 but are only $6.50 - AND they freeze really well. If we don't have more takers, the baker might need to stop making them, that would be such a shame :( So if you haven't had a chance to taste them yet, this is the time. My personal favourite is the Friday loaf: the kibble bread (rye and wheat), great texture, airy and yet with some density - tell me what is YOUR favourite bread :)
Photos from Label Baguette's post
WHAT DO BRIOCHES LOOK LIKE BEFORE GOING IN THE OVEN? There is a bit of magic in the making; we use pearl sugar which has this amazing property of not melting at high temperature. This sugar is very coarse, hard, opaque white, and does not melt at temperatures topically used for baking. The product usually is made by crushing blocks of white sugar, then shifting to obtain fragments. It looks a bit like snow and stays white even once baked 😳
Photos from Label Baguette's post
YOU THINK YOU ARE WHEAT INTOLERANT - HAVE YOU TRIED FRENCH BREAD? This could be a great news if you are like me blotted and uncomfortable after eating bread in Australia however when I am in France I have no problem digesting bread... The most significant difference between French flour and Australian flour is how Australians “over-process” wheat. In our supermarkets, we find our basic plain flour and self-raising flour as almost our only options. Self-raising is only so because of the additives and it doesn’t even exist in France. For some reason, Australian mills take out some really crucial enzymes that exist in a certain part of the wheat head that enables our bodies to digest the gluten more effectively. The French leave these all in the product and as a result, they produce breads that are naturally lower in gluten as a percentage but that still provide all the enzymes nature intended us to have to aid in digestion. So the mystery is solved - this is why you might have the pleasant surprise to be able to digest French bread even you have been diagnosed, like me, wheat intolerant in Australia... Isn't this fantastic news? So give it a go, you might have a nice surprise! :)
Photos from Label Baguette's post
A FEW FACTS ABOUT BRIOCHE MAKING As you know, we now have brioche at Label Baguette and Stephane wanted to share a few facts about the making and why it tastes sooo good ;) His brioches are made with a lot of butter and eggs and the dough is prepared the day before - it is super soft as it needs petrissage (kneading) for 20 minutes at a gentle speed, then it needs to rest over night in the fridge and it is baked the following day in a 180 degrees oven - 15 minutes for the individual ones and 25 minutes for the large one and...voila :)
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513 LIKES SINCE OPENING TEN WEEKS AGO! Today I would like to talk to you about our FB page and behind the scene work to make this daily posting as informative and interesting as possible for you. Believe it or not, I never used to be a social media person, I am from the "old" generation and wasn't born with it - however I quickly realised how this tool can be incredibly powerful and how you can touch so many more people. When Stephane asked my to look after Label Baguette's social media I wasn't sure at first if I was going to be any good at it - however I took the challenge and today I can say I am glad I did :) Looking after Label Baguette FB page has been a blast and I have thoroughly enjoyed looking for topics, photos, videos and ideas that could interest you - since our opening I have posted nearly every day and trust me, it is not always easy to come up with ideas that can be of value for our readers! Anyway, this post was just a BONJOUR / HELLO from behind the scene to say how much I have grown and liked this daily "rendez-vous" with you guys and how much we are grateful for your support and faith at Label Baguette - if it wasn't for you, we would be here! So MERCI and I will keep visiting daily in the New Year :) xox Anne-Sophie