A systemic school in the Diocese of Broken Bay educating boys in Years 7 to 12.
St Paul's Catholic College, Manly is a systemic Year 7 to 12 school catering for boys on Sydney's Northern Beaches for over 80 years. Our aim is to provide an excellent academic education in the Catholic tradition, enabling each boy to develop to his full potential. An education at St Paul's will inform, encourage and excite each boy and promote the Catholic values of acceptance, love, forgiveness, compassion and prayerfulness in every aspect of school life.
The motto of St Paul's College is "Prima Primum" – First Things First – and is a challenge to all members of the St Paul's Community to properly arrange life's priorities. At St Paul's we aim for excellence in every area and purposefully educate each person's spiritual, intellectual, physical, social and emotional growth. We also recognise that parents are the prime educators of their children and we endeavour to support, compliment and involve them in the education of their sons.
The College aims to produce confident young men who are flexible, innovative and well-rounded decision makers and who are consequently well-prepared to meet the challenges of a good tertiary education and a successful career. We have worked hard to create a school, which is at once challenging, yet friendly; demanding, yet supportive; serious in purpose, yet light in spirit. To achieve our aims we provide extensive Information Technology facilities, an excellent Information Resource Centre and dedicated, experienced and professional staff who teach in a disciplined and happy atmosphere.
We are very proud of our school, of its excellence, character, energy and sense of fun, but you must judge whether it is the right place for your son.
Tell your friends
facebook.comThe Year 7-9 dance planned for this Friday night has been postponed. It will take place in Term 2. Date to be confirmed. Any tickets purchased will be honoured at the next dance.
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The Year 12 Multimedia students are at the ABC in Ultimo today to learn first hand from the experts about the industry.
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Education is changing in Manly! Some well deserved positive publicity for the teachers and students of St Pauls for their above average growth in NAPLAN in 2016. Well done!
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Above average NAPLAN growth in Reading for Year 9 2016! The College has been notified that it has achieved above average growth in Reading in the NAPLAN tests for 2016 which are uploaded to the Myschool site as of today. The College also noted positive growth across all domains of NAPLAN in 2016 with a high by comparison 96-98% participation rate. This is an outstanding achievement for the boys now in Year 10 and a testament to the great work done in literacy over the past two years by the teachers led by Mr Michael Hutchinson and Mrs Madelaine Keogh. The College wide use of agreed strategies such as TEEL and the Active Reading Guide are bearing fruit. Well done everybody!
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Photos from St Paul's Catholic College, Manly's post
Congratulations to Mr Quail, Mrs Kakayzich and the Year 9 boys who raised money for Project Compassion by barbecuing some of the left over sausages from Open Evening and selling them at Recess. Close to $300 raised. Well done!
Please share. Thanks St Rose Catholic Primary Collaroy Plateau for this lovely coverage of our Year 3 Day last week. Student voice!
The power of believing that you can improve
For those who came to the Elevate talk tonight where Jake talked about Carol Dweck and a Growth Mindset :
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Please keep this date in your diary.
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Please share. Reminder: Parents are invited to participate in a presentation by Elevate Education on study skills from 6.30 to 7.30 pm tonight in the Br WX Simmons room of The Waterford Hall complex. Today Year 10, 11 and 12 students are taking part in student focused briefings today. Tonight is a follow up to assist parents to engage with their son's learning. See you there!
Lenten Family Calendar. ( with thanks to Loyola Press)