The Family Room
The Family Room is a welcoming space for parents and carers to gather while their children are learning in the classrooms at Maningrida College The Family Room offers a place for parents and carers to learn new skills, relax, yarn, enjoy various activities including craft, art, cooking, music, gardening and sewing. Different programs for families will be available throughout the year, including Let's START and the FAST program
(Family and School Together). Toddlers and babies are also welcome with their parents.
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One of the mums made this lovely Ipad cover on the sewing machine at The Family Room last week at Maningrida College - it looks great!
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A community singing group has just begun in The Family Room, at 3pm on Saturdays. It's called "Singingrida" - everyone's welcome, all ages and abilities. Keep an eye on the Maningrida Noticeboard facebook page for any changes to times.
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Photos from The Family Room at Maningrida College
The Family Room
The Family Room's cover photo