Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives
CATSINaM was founded in 1997 to formally represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives. CATSIN is made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives, students of nursing and midwifery and has retired nurses and midwives as associate members.
CATSIN’s primary aim is to increase the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples into nursing and midwifery. Recruitment means getting people to think about nursing or midwifery as a career and to apply to study. Retention is about getting people to stay in the profession once they start studying or start nursing or midwifery.
CATSIN is also dedicated to ensure all nurses and midwives have meaningful, discrete courses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, history and culture in all courses leading to enrolment, registration or endorsement as a nurse or midwife. CATSIN aims to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery students have targeted support and assistance to ensure their access to education is equitable.
CATSIN represents Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives throughout the nursing and midwifery professions, to governments and in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
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Aboriginal Health #WCPH2017 #WorldActivityDay Snapshot report physical activity programs for Aboriginal people
Walk With Midwives
Are you registered to do the Walk with Midwives ?
Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore
Our members will appreciate this important speech by Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore CRANAplus NACCHO Aboriginal Health Australia SNAICC-National Voice for our Children
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Aboriginal Health Workforce News @KenWyattMP meets medical colleges to boost Aboriginal health care
National Framework for Maternity Services: Consultation draft for feedback | Your say | Queensland Government
CONSULTATION: The National Framework for Maternity Services (NFMS) provides guidance for planning and delivery of women-centred, safe high quality health care across the maternity continuum of care, with the aim to ensure equitable access to maternity care for all women that supports optimal outcomes for a woman and her baby. The NFMS follows on from the National Maternity Services Plan (2010-2015) with the expectation that jurisdictions will align their jurisdictional plans with the vision, values and principles to improve health outcomes and the woman’s experience through her maternity continuum of care. The NFMS sets out an overarching vision, values and underpinning principles to guide the further development of maternity services across Australia. A consultation draft NFMS has been developed, following the completion of the first phase of consultation. This first phase of consultation gathered perspectives from a range of stakeholders, including health consumers as well as the medical, nursing and midwifery workforce through professional bodies. The consultation draft NFMS is now available for broad consultation. You can provide feedback by clicking here and completing the survey:
Webinar: Upskilling midwives on diabetes in pregnancy - Australian College of Midwives
Australian College of Midwives (ACM) are running a webinar for upskilling midwives on diabetes in pregnancy. Webinar: Upskilling midwives on diabetes in pregnancy Date: 19 April 2017 Time: 1:30pm Diabetes Australia is calling the current rate of people being identified with diabetes as “the epidemic of the 21st century” and for midwifery this epidemic poses significant challenges as well as potential changes in options of care for women. Click the link to register for this webinar!
Department of Health | My Life, My Lead - Implementation Plan Advisory Group (IPAG) Consultation 2017
The Implementation Plan Advisory Group (IPAG) Consultation 2017 provides an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and leaders, government and the non-government and private sector to help shape the next Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023. The Australian Government is committed to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and communities, and other stakeholders to improve progress against the goals to improve health outcomes for Indigenous Australians, and is welcoming participation in the IPAG Consultation 2017 from a broad range of stakeholders. You can have your say by taking part in the online submission to the IPAG consultation 2017. The online submission will be open from Wednesday 8 March 2017 and will close 11.59 pm Sunday 30 April 2017. For more information, or to make a submission, please visit the link below;
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Aboriginal Health and smoking @KenWyattMP announces $35.2 million funding #ACCHO Anti smoking program
How the worst hospital for Indigenous health became one of the best
Supporting hospital staff and engaging with their Indigenous patients helped Katherine Hospital become one of the best hospitals for Indigenous health.
Baby delivered 'safe and dry' at ambulance station during Cyclone Debbie
Amongst the chaos of Cyclone Debbie, hardworking ambulance staff delivered a baby girl. Congratulations to all involved!
Walk With Midwives
International Day of the Midwife is just around the corner! Established by the International Confederation of Midwives, the International Day of the Midwife (IDM) is an occasion for every individual midwife to think about the many others in the profession, to make new contacts within and outside midwifery, and to widen the knowledge of what midwives do for the world. There are a number of events happening around the country to celebrate this day! Be sure to check out the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) Facebook page for updates on events near you!
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Aboriginal Health #PalliativeCare : Supporting Indigenous people to talk about their end of life care @KenWyattMP