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Sydney Doula Services

34 Gubbuteh Rd, Little Bay, Australia
Medical & Health



Providing Doula Services - Information, Emotional and Physical Support through Pregnancy, Birth  and the Postnatal period.  Sydney Doula Services will help you find the right Pregnancy, Childbirth Education and Doula Care for you individually tailored to your needs.

Whether as a first time Mum deciding what suits who you are or for your subsequent pregnancy and birth looking for more support and the best experience you can have.

We believe every woman deserves to be supported in the best decision for themselves and their baby, whether thats a Home Birth, Hospital, Birth Centre, VBAC, C-Section or other and will help find the best doula that suits you.


58 Stunning Photos That Show The Bond Between Moms And Doulas

The images say so much - Thank you to all the wonderful doulas who have supported our mums and bubs this year xx

Breastfeeding in the First Hours After Birth – Breastfeeding Series

Great video on baby Led Attachment - So goof for both Mum and Baby and continuous easy breastfeeding

Baby Talk with Dr Howard Chilton

Our favourite neonatologist Dr Howard Chilton sharing baby wisdom xx must watch

Giving birth in modern times is not unlike a spectator sport, with hospital wards flooded by anxious spectators. - Living Fresh with IGA -

The Wonderful Erika Elliott on Doulas and the birthing room. Have a listen...

She Births

Go Daddy Doulas with all the She Births tools

Why fear is childbirth’s worst enemy - Juice Daily

This Article interviewing a leading Midwife and researcher talks about reducing Fear through doing She Births® to teach you how.

She Births

We Got It! Great She Births® VBAC Clip. So beautiful to see it so simply said. New Courses have just been released on the main site She Births®

A dad shares his birth story: “Oh god, I am married to superwoman.” - Kidspot

A beautiful account from a dads perspective <3 Next course coming up in September 24/25 then October 15/16 and Dec 10/11 email or PM me Caitlin Siboulet or

How to Heal a Bad Birth - making sense, making peace & moving on

I have the amazing privilege of supporting women so they don't have traumatic births by teaching them the amazing education of She Births and also occasionally standing by their sides. Sometimes they have already had a traumatic birth but all hear of horror stories and I get told my share of these knowing full well it does not have to be that way... There are so many ways to heal 💖

TV couple's real life romance - watch now

Such a great testament to letting go of fear in childbirth and feeling confident and safe no matter where you give birth. Having the birth you choose is empowering for both mother and father.

Channel 7 News - She Births®

Hip Hip Hooray- Raising awareness for Hip Dysplasia

Reminder of the correct way for hips to placed when wrapping

Hip Hip Hooray- Raising awareness for Hip Dysplasia


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