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Martyn Hume Cobbe

1472 Anzac Pde, Little Bay, Australia



Martyn Hume Cobbe is a life-changing relationship and leadership coach. He works personally with his clients using his own powerful discovery processes.


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Change the meaning, change the emotion.

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The Story of You | Jan 2017

The Story of You | Jan 2017

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Storytelling Matters! The stories we tell ourselves determine the way each of us perceives and experiences our life. These stories create the emotional landscape in which we live our life. The 2 stories which are most powerful for us are our Core Stories. These are about who we are as the central character in our lifestory and what type of world this unique person lives in. Each of us wrote these Core Stories into our subconscious minds during or after emotionally intense & challenging events in our childhood. These stories are about our successes & failures, our strengths and weaknesses, our inherent worth or lack of it, the reliability of family & friends, how others see us and the nature of society. These are then distilled down by our mind to form our core beliefs about ourself & the world we live in. We need these core beliefs in order to have the confidence to move about and take action within our world. Beliefs like… people can or can’t be trusted, I’m precious or worthless, men or women or both are crazy or stupid or wonderful. Each of these beliefs or any variations on them will determine the way you interact with others in your relationships and in your creative endeavours. These beliefs and the stories behind them determine the way you react when challenged, the degree to which you’re able to trust and love others and they really do create the emotional landscape in which you live your life. It’s not the events themselves which determine our reactions,it’s the meaning we give those events and it’s our stories which provide us with those meanings. This where Transformational Storytelling comes in… Imagine you can rewrite your life, by retelling your stories about your past, your present and your future. By integrating transformative insights & lessons from the significant events of your life story you thereby transform the way you experience & engage with your life here in the present. In our 2 day ‘The Story of You’ workshop we provide the ideal conditions for you to do this creatively & safely. In such a way that you’ll come out of the weekend with a transformed, newer, deeper & richer understanding of who you truly are and why your story matters. All the information for the workshop is at -

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Sometimes even the biggest and most bright lights amongst us can be obscured by a lack of clarity. Uncover what's in you. There love and light waiting to be shared! #supermoonsydney

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The Story of You

The Story of You

Martyn Hume Cobbe's cover photo

Martyn Hume Cobbe's cover photo

Martyn Hume Cobbe

Martyn Hume Cobbe

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Do you know yourself enough to know what you should be focusing on RIGH NOW?

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Martyn Hume Cobbe's cover photo

Martyn Hume Cobbe's cover photo

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Never stop learning the art of love!

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When was the last time you imagined a future which excited and frightened you?!

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Martyn Hume Cobbe's cover photo

Martyn Hume Cobbe's cover photo
