DISCLAIMER The views expressed are mine alone and do not reflect the views of the AAC, Army, Australian Defence Organisation or the Australian Government
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facebook.comMore photos from Ex Gold Rush. The views and location were incredible as the photos show. The one with the broken chair ... well you had to be there, but watching it collapse under me ... hilarious laughs all round.
Got to post this happy birthday message to Ella ... you are GREAT!!! Happy Birthday and thanks for sharing it with all of us on Ex Gold Rush!
Ex Gold Rush 2017 .... What a great weekend! The weather gods shined on us yet again and we had a brilliant activity. Still chasing those elusive gold miners - this is the 4th year and we still haven't found them!! Thanks to everyone and particularly the cadets - you were awesome! The Gun Race is always a winner and congratulations to 4 Section for winning the Golden Brick! Thanks also and as always to parents for your support in taxi services ... can't do it without you too! We'll let your cadets tell their own stories.
More pictures from Ex Black Hole ... still living on the memories of a great weekend!
Ex Black Hole 2017 was a huge success. An enormous thank you to the ATW team from Kapooka - you are an outstanding group! Well done to all the cadets, who abseiled into black (seemingly bottomless) caves, crawled through tight squeezes and climbed impossible caving ladders as though it was an everyday occurance! Another huge thank you to Tracey and Kerri for supporting us and giving up your time. Without you - we couldn't run these camps. Well done everyone and remember to take away the lessons from the weekend and apply them to everyday life!
Elijah Ingram's ANZAC Day Speech - please take a moment to listen and reflect on the speech made by Elijah today. Consider his age, consider his maturity, his insights, his own reflections and thoughts and you will realise ... our future is in safe hands! An amazing speech Elijah - so very, very proud of you
ANZAC Day 2017. 44 cadets of 223 ACU cadets provided Catafalque Parties and attended 4 parades today. AS ALWAYS - they should all be proud of themselves. CPL Elijah Ingram was the guest speaker and gave - what has to be said, one of the greatest speeches I have heard: compassionate, thoughtful, articulate and right on the mark for an ANZAC Day service. Congratulations and walk tall!
Ex Compass Rose 2017. Well done the winning Section of the Emily Green Trophy. 12 check points (so nearly 13!) out of 14 was a real good effort and you should all be very proud of yourselves. Well done!
A word of warning to those going on Compass Rose ... this storm came through the campsite yesterday! 'Hopefully' you'll now have good incentive to have wet and cold weather gear and your packs waterproofed!! Should be fun!!
223 ACU are recruiting for 2017. Please pass the word around Leeton, Griffith, Narrandera and surrounding towns. Potential recruits MUST be turning 13 years old this calendar year - effective only until 1st July 2017. See you all first parade Thursday 2nd February 2017