Energize Health, Fitness & Dance Studios proudly offers the Newcastle area with only the best Adult Group Fitness & Kida Dance classes including Zumba® Fitness, Konga Fitness, Burlesque Fitness, Zumba® Sentao, Vyopa Training, Aqua Zumba® and more
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JOIN THE ZUMBA® TONING MOVEMENT WEDNESDAYS 9:30am - Broadmeadow Tennis Club THURSDAYS 6:00pm - Lambton Public School
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SWEAT IT OUT AT A ZUMBA® CLASS, DON'T STARVE YOURSELF - TUESDAYS - Broadmeadow Tennis Club, Lambton Rd 10:15am - Zumba® with FREE CRECHE 6:00pm - Zumba Sentao™ (Toning, Strengthening & Cardio) 7:00pm - Zumba® Zumba® is for EVERYONE, there is no barrier to entry, just come along and have a great time, feel good about yourserlf and smile away while you don't even realize how many calories you're burning
VYPA® - The Jungle Body
TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TONIGHT WITH A 30 MINUTE VYPA EXPRESS CLASS - Lambton Public School MONDAYS 5:30pm - Konga® (Boxing, Cardio, Dance-Fit & Toning) 6:30pm - Vypa® (Boxing, Kickboxing & Strengthening) 7:00pm - Zumba® (Feel-Good, Dance-Fitness Party) 8:00pm - Ab Burner (Core Strengthening, Toning & Support)
THIS MONDAY HEAD TO A ZUMBA® CLASS TO GET FIT, GET HEALTHY AND JUST FEEL GREAT Mondays - 7:00pm Zumba® Lambton Public School, Croudace St
Baila mi son - ENSAMBLE (((Video Oficial)))
BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY WITH A ZUMBA® FITNESS CLASS LET THE MUSIC TAKE YOUR CARES AWAY Mondays 7:00pm - Lambton Public School* Tuesdays 10:15am & 7:00pm - Broadmeadow Tennis Club Thursdays 9:30am - Broadmeadow Tennis Club Thursdays 7:00pm - Lambton Public School* Fridays 10:15am - New Lambton Community Centre Saturdays 10:00am - Lambton Public School* * Please note that as of Monday Feb 1st Monday & Thursdays classes will be moving to Saint Theresa's Catholic School & Saturdays classes will be moving to the Broadmeadow Tennis Club
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Do you know someone that loves to dance?? Why not come and give our dance a go . From 2 years- Adults we have classes for everyone . Come Chat to us at Shortland Public School on Saturday 23rd January 2016, From 9am-11am . Classes start 6th February 2016 and Classes Start from $8 a lesson
The Science Of Motivation
FUN IS THE BEST MOTIVATOR....... WHY NOT FIND A FUN WAY TO KEEP FIT AND KEEP YOU MOTIVATED TOWARDS YOUR GOAL? Energize Studios provides fun, exciting and motivating ways to get fit and to stay fit. DROP IN TODAY TO FIND A CLASS THAT YOU LOVE
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40 degree day don't stop our awesome clients ... You guys rock #zumbafitness #thanksforcoming
Photos from Energize Studios's post
HAVE YOU GOT THE NEW 2016 TIMETABLE????? Download a copy now and start circling your favourite classes NEW TIMES & LOCATIONS START MON FEB 1st 2016 Stay up to date at
Konga® - Magic Number (Cardio Boxing)
ARE YOU HEADING TO A KONGA® CLASS TONIGHT? WEDNESDAYS - 6:00PM - Lambton Public School Konga® is an exciting mix between boxing, cardio, dance-fitness, toning work and more, using a mixture of musical styles from the past right up until today.
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TONE UP WHILE YOU DANCE AWAY THE CALORIES Wednesdays - Broadmeadow Tennis Club, Lambton Rd 9:30am - Zumba® Toning Zumba® Toning using maraca-like toning sticks weighted with sand so they move with your body to create extra resistance and combines strength based exercises with the dance-fitness you love from a regular Zumba® class.
Zumba Sentao™ Preview - Puro Mani (Afro-Colombian Fusion)
TRY OUT THE EXCITING ZUMBA SENTAO™ PROGRAM Tuesdays - Broadmeadow Tennis Club, Lambton Rd 5:00pm - Boxing 6:00pm - Zumba Sentao™ (Resistance Training & Cardio) 7:00pm - Zumba® (The Original Fitness Party)