Welcome!!! I create diaper cakes and cupcake towers for a special little baby. Weither boy, girl or neutral i offer diaper cakes or shaped if you so wish
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Day 6 elf on a shelf How many are doing this in your house? Would love to see some photos
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Our latest cupcake platter Dont forget our products are made to order.
Bumalicious's cover photo
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A sneak peek of this cake platter it's going out to muma to be today on her suprise baby shower. (Lucky lady)
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Creating another package for special delivery this week
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Our lastest creation our tradies tool belt going out to a 1st time mum and dad I think daddy will love this one more Loving the name Welcome baby Jasper #bumalicious #tradiesbelt #baby #babygift #babyboy #itsaboy #babyjasper #craftright #nameblocks #supercreative
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Our latest Dog basket going out to a baby girl puppy. Spead the the love to the fur babies #furbaby #welcometothefamily #bumalicious #newborn #itsagirl #puppylove #dogpresent
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Sneek peek of our latest fur baby basket #bumalicious #furbaby #itsagirl #puppylove
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The contents of our latest puppy basket stay tunned for finished product
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Working on my latest project how cute are the jumpsuits...excited about this one stay tunned
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A little treat just for the new daddy to be a Cute Jumpsuit in his footy team. Super adorable!
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