An in-home alternative to boarding kennels covering Hobart and surrounding suburbs. An in-home alternative to boarding kennels covering Hobart and surrounding suburbs.
Have your best friend minded in the home of one of our experienced dog-loving dog minders. Your dog will have all the comforts of home. They can live inside, sleep inside, sleep on our beds, have play time and get plenty of cuddles and walks.
You can meet with our Minders in advance at their home to ensure you are happy with where your dog will be staying.
Your dog will only stay in a family home with dog lovers and owners.
Our minders are hand picked, we visit and interview all minders, meet their dog and ensure their home is suitable and the property is secure.
We are passionate about making your dog feel safe and loved while they are with Dogs Holiday Havens.
Dogs Holiday Havens has been created to provide our family pets and best friends with the best possible care option, whether it be for a couple of days, a week, a month or a year. We care and are here to help.
More information, rates and contact details are on our website
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facebook.comCaring for Keenly
Keenly severely injured his leg and broke multiple ribs on Boxing Day. Keenly has been a Dogs Holiday Havens guest in the past and his mum, Ruth, is a long-term friend of Andrew and Belinda. We're horrified at Keenly's injuries and happy to support Ruth with the vets bills, which are likely to hit $6000. Can you chip in a few dollars too?
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A trio of trouble. Although Adelaide (the golden retriever) is guilty purely by acquaintance. #swapakennelforfriends #dogsholidayhavenskingston
Photos from Dogs Holiday Havens's post
A belated merry Christmas to all our customers, two and four-legged. Our Christmas pack is having a ball, with daily visits to the beach and fun and games in between! #dogsholidayhavenskingston
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The first of our Christmas holiday clowns arrived last week. Let the fun begin! #dogsholidayhavenskingston
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The best holiday accommodation options have spa baths! This is Harry this morning. Harry loves our Margate minders. #swapakennelforahorsetrough #dogsholidayhavensmargate #onlythebestfordogsholidayhavensguests
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Super Scooby, one of our regulars, enjoying time with dear little Izzy. #dogsholidayhavensoakdowns #onlythebestfordogsholidayhavensguests
Photos from Dogs Holiday Havens's post
Lots of happy gardeners this weekend. Sully (third dog from the left) has settled in very quickly for his first stay with us. And Alegra loves that chair next to the roses for her daily afternoon snooze. #onlythebestfordogsholidayhavensguests #swapakennelforagarden
Photos from Dogs Holiday Havens's post
New house guests arrived today. Blue and Sully. How lucky are we?! #onlythebestfordogsholidayhavensguests #dogsholidayhavenskingston
Becoming a Minder
Love dogs? Home for Christmas? West Highland Terriers. Labradors. Golden Retrievers. Collies. German Shepherds. These are some of the dogs we've reluctantly turned away for Christmas holiday care. If you are interested in casual dog minding over the Christmas break, please let us know. Of course it goes without saying, you must love dogs.
Photos from Dogs Holiday Havens's post
Wet, bedraggled, confused by the foam, but with a definite spring in his step! We loved having you stay with us Kevin Darcy, and we think you might have liked us too. :)
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Fun at the Suncoast Dog Park between showers yesterday. Sabio and Alegra are long-term boarders with Dogs Holiday Havens, and they adore wide open spaces - and Andrew. Thanks to the Kingborough Dog Walkers Association and Kingborough Council for this awesome park.#Onlythebestfordogsholidayhavensguests #Dogsholidayhavenskingston #sabioandalegrahavegoodtaste
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Frida in her favourite afternoon sun-baking spot at Dogs Holiday Havens Kingston. #swapakennelforacouch #onlythebestfordogsholidayhavensguests