The Branch Youth Council (BYC) is the primary body representing the youth members of Scouts Australia in the Tasmanian Branch. The Branch Youth Council is a representative and advisory body for the youth of Scouts Tasmania. It comprises of youth members from Scouts, Venturers and Rovers, from across Tasmania.
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Wishing Everyone a safe and Merry Christmas! And a great Scouting year in 2017!! From all of TAS BYC
Scouts Australia - National Youth Council
The NYC needs your help!! Please look at the post below!!
Photos from Scouts Tasmania - Branch Youth Council's post
We would like to congratulate our chair Narelle on being presented with Queens Scout! This is an amazing achievement!! Congratulations Narelle!! ✔🎉😃
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Congratulations to BYC member Bob Bramley on getting presented with his Australian Scout Medallion! This is a wonderful achievement, keep up the great work! Also congratulations to everyone who attended Clark Trophy this weekend everyone did an amazing job and should be very proud of your efforts!! ✔😊🚶🙌
Scouts Australia
AV2018 - 17th Australian Venture
For all of the venturers and scouts who will be old enough!! Check it out!
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Tuesday 11 October is headspace day – a national day of awareness to ensure that every young person in Australia has access to youth friendly mental health services, no matter where they live. Show your support by talking with other Scouts about mental health issues and promoting the services offered by headspace and other organisations. #headspaceday #scoutsaustralia #tasbyc
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Two more venturers from Tasmania are attending Mawson scholarship in leadership these school holidays!! Well done to Sophie and lachy! They are currently in WA and are having a wonderful time and learning lots of new skills! Congratulations to you both! Looking forward to hearing all of the great stories! 😊
Hi Everyone. We are pleased to announce to you all that we now have 4 new members of our BYC. Lachlan Hindrum- Riverside Scouts Luke Brydon- Rubicon Sea Scouts Bradley Thompson- North West Bay Venturers Jacinta Lang- Wellington Venturers Congratulations to you all! Look forward to working with you!! 😊🎉🎉
Scouts Australia - National Youth Council
Hey everyone!! Would be great if all youth members could please fill in this survey!! Thank you!! 😊
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8 MORE DAYS UNTIL APPLICATIONS CLOSE!! get them in! If you would still like an application form send us a message with your email address and we will send one through to you! ✔📝
***ATTENTION*** This is your last chance to apply to be a part of the Tasmanian Branch Youth Council. Applications close August 31st 2016!! Ever wanted to be a part of a fun engaging, hard-working youth council?!? Well, this is the opportunity for you! The Tasmanian BYC is looking for members of the Scout, Venturer and Rover section of Scouts Tasmania. If you are a Scout, Venturer or Rover aged between 12-24 here’s the perfect chance for you to get yourself out there, share your opinions and knowledge and brighten the future of scouting in Tasmania! If you or anyone you know are interested in taking this awesome opportunity, SEND US AN EMAIL OR MESSAGE AND WE WILL SEND OUT AN APPLICATION FORM, print it and send it to the address on the form. Applications close the 31st August 2016. Hope to see your application!!! Any Questions email: