act justly, love mercy, walk humbly As a church we believe God has already expressed what He requires of us: “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8)
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facebook.comAnd that's a wrap for #SYC17 .... What an amazing crew we had from @on3eighty .... Can't wait till next year #syc18
Welcome to the world LEO FLINDERS WATT!!!! Congratulations Matt & Kaz ... He is just so adorable!!!!!
This SUNDAY @albeddoe is preaching at both services 930AM & 530PM #yewwwww #thewayofwisdom #proverbs
Happy FATHERS day to all our DADS!!!!
Hold on to Me I am weak without You I can't breathe without You but I can make it through If you hold on to me When my life is broken Still Your arms are open Your love can make me new You are my everything I run into Your name Jesus, Jesus @elevationworship
Thank you to these AMAZING people for serving today at Ken & Beth Faulkner Dennis Houghton Phil, Allyson, Cam, Rach & Anna Beddoe Dan, Ange, Chelsea, Harriet & Abi Seidel Chris Broers Brian, Elsa, Hannah & Ava Garcia Tony & Margaret Boothroyd Kate, Zoe, Izzy & Jake Wilson Gorden & Elizabeth Fisher Carol-Ann Trist Max Dundas Mike, Soph, Talia & Seonaid Lothian Maddi Dale Riarna Boom
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This SUNDAY Pastor Grant is continuing our series THE GOSPEL OF JOHN! See you at 930am & 530pm
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This Friday @on3eighty