Offering Clinical Hypnotherapy and Counselling.
20+ years of experience.
Mind Glowing Therapies offer expert and confidential help to resolve your doubts and insecurities. Our clinic in Illawong near Menai is within easy reach of Sutherland and Padstow. Working with a skilled therapist can help to remove doubts and fears, resolve negative thinking as well as help to reach your goals. If you would like Hypnotherapy and Counselling in Illawong contact us today for a free telephone consultation.
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Live the Goodlife. Keep it simple. <3
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Many people use Swedish massage as a way to promote relaxation, which is why many people experience their first massage while on vacation. You probably remember how wonderful your body felt during the massage and how rejuvenated you felt afterwards. Swedish massage is a wonderful way to pamper yourself, but it is also an important and effective type of therapy for many people. Men and women of all ages and physical conditions seek out the benefits of Swedish massage. People rely on Swedish massage therapy to support good health and to manage a variety of health conditions. Swedish massage is used for pain management, to improve circulation and to help individuals recover from injury. It is even used as a form of therapy for anxiety and depression. Need one? Call Sue, 0414846256 to get yours booked! Mind Glowing Therapies and Goodlife Health Clubs Menai
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Be grateful. Every day. ❤
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Thought for Today Today I will feel grateful for the blessings in my life, knowing that pessimistic thinking will only lead me down a dark tunnel to nowhere worthwhile.The awareness of the memorable times and people in my life reminds me of my good luck.
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The past has passed Too many people get stuck in moments that have already hurt them and taught them the lessons they were supposed to learn. By staying glued to your defeats in the past, you’re also condemning your present. Mistakes are a part of life. Sometimes we make small, negligible ones, but other times we commit huge mistakes that change us in some fundamental way. Let your mistakes change you, but for the better. The important thing is to move on forward from it and evolve.
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Clinical Hypnotherapy is an amazingly effective, incredibly quick mode of treatment. It is not, however, a quick fix or a magic wand. It takes multiple sessions and your commitment to change, to be successful. But isn’t that what you want? If you are serious about changing your life, achieving your goals, improving your relationships then one of my Hypnotherapy Packages is for you. Call to make an appointment today. Sue, 0414846256
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Centering Ourselves BY MADISYN TAYLOR All too often our lives can be spread too thin and it becomes important to gather our thoughts and center ourselves to become whole again. When our thoughts are scattered in several directions at once and we are no longer conscious of what we are doing or why, it is time to center ourselves. When we center ourselves, we begin by acknowledging that we have become spread too thin and we are no longer unified inside. Our thoughts might be out of sync with our feelings, and our actions may be out of sync with both. The main signs that we need to center ourselves are scattered thoughts and a feeling of disconnection or numbness, as if we are no longer able to take anything in. In addition, we may feel unfocused and not present in our bodies. Centering ourselves is a way of coming to terms with all the different energies within us and drawing them back into ourselves. Centering yourself means that you are working from or being aware of the core of your being in the solar plexus area of your body. At first it may not make sense, but as you progress you will understand what this feels like. We naturally know how to center ourselves when we take a deep breath, for example, before making a big announcement or doing something big. Another way to center ourselves is to sit down and engage in breath meditation. We can start by simply getting into a comfortable upright position and noticing as our breath enters and leaves our bodies. Our breath flows into our center and out from our center, and this process can serve as a template for all of our interactions in the world. In conversations, we can take what our friends are saying into the center of our beings and respond from the center. Our whole lives mirror this ebb and flow of energy that begins and ends at the center of ourselves.
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Mending a Broken Heart BY MADISYN TAYLOR A heart that has been broken and seen pain, reveals within it, a crack that allows more light in. Heartbreak happens to all of us and can wash over us like a heavy rain. When experiencing a broken heart, our ethereal selves are saturated with grief, and the overflow is channeled into the physical body. Loss becomes a physical emptiness, and longing is transmuted into a feeling that often cannot be put into words. Mending a broken heart can seem a task so monumental that we dare not attempt it for fear of damaging ourselves further. But heartbreak, like all emotions, falls under the spell of our conscious influence. Often the pain that wounds us most deeply also leaves the most enduring mark upon us. The shock that becomes the tender, throbbing ache of the heart eventually leads us down the path of enlightenment, blessing our lives with a new depth and richness. Acknowledging heartbreak's impermanence by no means dulls its sting for it is the sting itself that stimulates healing. The pain is letting us know that we need to pay attention to our emotional selves, to sit with our feelings and be in them fully before we can begin to heal. It is said that time heals all wounds. Time may dull the pain of a broken heart, but it is fully feeling your pain and acknowledging it that will truly help you heal. Dealing with your heartache in a healthy way rather than putting it off for tomorrow is the key to repair. Gentleness more than anything else is called for. Most important, open yourself to the possibility of loving, trusting, and believing again. When, someday soon, you emerge from the cushion of your grief, you will see that the universe did not cease to be as you nursed your broken heart. You emerge on the other side of the mending, stronger for all you have experienced.
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Meditation classes starting soon at Goodlife Health Clubs Menai. Come and learn how to let your light shine! Live the Goodlife. xxxx
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THE REJUVENATING MASSAGE 45 Minutes $60 Nourishing Jojoba oil is massaged over the face using The Kansa Wand (pronounced Kunsa) made from a pure form of bronze known in Ayurveda as the healing metal. The wand is gently massaged over the face, neck and shoulders working with the body’s subtle energies. It removes heat and acid from the skin, cooling and soothing stressed eyes, clearing sinuses and relieving tension in the jaw. The healing metals help to detoxify and revitalise creating a balancing effect on the Meridians and Chakras of the body. The head is then massaged using nourishing oils which help to increase circulation, stimulate hair growth, boost immunity, invigorate and clear the mind. Find me Goodlife Health Clubs Menai or call me on 0414846256 tp book your date with this blissful treatment. Live the Goodlife. You ARE worth it!
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Less Thinking and More Feeling When we begin to listen with our hearts rather than our heads, our whole world changes and becomes softer. Most of us were born and raised in cultures that value the head over the heart and, as a result, we place our hearts below our heads in a sort of inner hierarchy. What this means is that we tend to listen and respond from the neck up, often leaving the rest of our bodies with little or no say in most matters. This is a habit, which sometimes feels as ingrained as the way we breathe or walk. However, with effort and awareness, we can shift the energy into our hearts, listening and responding from this much deeper, more resonant place. The brain has a masterful way of imposing structure and order on the world, creating divisions and categories, devising plans and strategies. In many ways, we have our brains to thank for our survival on this planet. However, as is so clear at this time, we also need the wisdom of our hearts if we wish to continue surviving in a viable way. When we listen from our heart, the logical grid of the brain tends to soften and melt, which enables us to perceive the interconnectedness beneath the divisions and categories we use to organize the world. We begin to understand that just as the heart underlies the brain, this interconnectedness underlies everything. Many agree that this is the most important work we can do at this time in history, and there are many practices at our disposal. For a simple start, try sitting with a friend and asking him to tell you about his life at this moment. For 10 minutes or more, try to listen without responding verbally, offering suggestions, or brainstorming solutions. Instead, breathe into your heart and your belly, listening and feeling instead of thinking. When you do this, you may find that it's much more difficult to offer advice and much easier to identify with the feelings your friend is sharing. You may also find that your friend opens up more, goes deeper, and feels he has really been heard. If you also feel great warmth and compassion, almost as if you are seeing your friend for the first time, then you will know that you have begun to tap the power of listening with your heart. BY MADISYN TAYLOR