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Makeup By Shay Gittany

5 sproule rd, Illawong, Australia
Makeup Artist



Shay Gittany is a makeup artist from Sydney Aus, with 6 years experience in the industry, in bridal, editorial, special occasions, & special effects makeup


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Birthday makeup for this glamour 💕

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Makeup for this gorgeous lady :) @makeupbyshaygittany @shaygittanyteam

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Hey guys :) I have made another Insta page @shaygittanymakeupstudio . This page will feature both myself and my artists work so get following :)

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I posted this one year ago today.. this is for all you beautiful girls out there ❤ Nothing makes me sadder than having young girls tell me how beautiful my makeup is and that they wish they could do their makeup like that to look beautiful too. When did the "definition of beautiful change?". The oxford dictionary describes beautiful as " having beauty; pleasing to the senses or to the mind". Nowhere does it state that beautiful means knowing how to do your makeup well. Being a makeup artist i have the best job in the world. I see beautiful girls walk into my studio and beautiful girls walk out. The girl that walks in is naturally beautiful and the girl that walks out has enhanced her beauty using makeup products. I love the art of makeup and yes i like to cake it on sometimes, only for the reason of expressing art on my face. Just like wearing clothing, having tattoos or even getting your hairstyled. Be comfortable in your own skin before you cover it up with makeup. Love yourself first before you cover it up with makeup. You are more beautiful then fake lashes or overdrawn lips. You are beautiful with the pimples, the pigmentation and the gaps in your eyebrows. You are beautiful no matter what goes on your face. Here's a raw shot of me with no makeup and no editing. If someone who does makeup for a job and can show her face to the world.. so can all of you :) your beautiful ❤❤❤

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Throwback to one of my favourite looks of 2016 💄 Eyeshadow- @shopvioletvoss holy grail palette Lashes- @hudabeauty @shophudabeauty in Samantha Lips - @kyliecosmetics in true brown

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Long hair plaits are fun 💕 happy new year everyone 💋

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NYE Hawaiian themed party MAKEUP 💋 Lashes - @winklashes_australia Eyeshadow - @hudabeauty @shophudabeauty Highlight - @jeffreestar @jeffreestarcosmetics king tut @makeupbyshaygittany

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NYE Hawaiian themed party MAKEUP 💋 Lashes - @winklashes_australia Eyeshadow - @hudabeauty @shophudabeauty Highlight - @jeffreestar @jeffreestarcosmetics king tut

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Thank you for your likes :) 74,000 likes this year ❤ here's to 2017.. the best year yet 💕

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Pool days are the best days 👌

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So ridiculously in love with him ❤ He makes my day just seeing his smile and I literally could spend every minute of every day with him ❤ Here's to the love of my life and truly the greatest guy I know. You have a heart of gold and I am so grateful to have you :) I love you baby ❤ #appreciationpost

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When being a poser is second nature 💁

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