YNOT represents the needs and interests of young people and the workforce that supports them. Includes the Tasmanian Youth Forum.
Tell your friends
We know this time of year can be difficult for lots of different reasons. If you need help, remember it is available 24/7 over the holidays from organisations such as beyondblue
The YNOT office will be closed from this afternoon and until 16 January for Christmas break. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2017!
Inequality needs to be addressed in 2017
"Realising the potential of all people, especially our young, is the most productive thing a government can do in Tasmania; before they become entrenched in life just above the poverty line or seek opportunities somewhere else."
International Volunteer Day 2016 | UNV
Today is International Volunteer Day and today, and every other day, YNOT is very grateful for the many wonderful volunteers that help us to help Tasmanian young people #globalapplause #volunteersmakeadifference #youngpeoplearethebestvolunteers
Young Achiever Awards | Awards Australia
Nominations for the Young Achiever Awards close in a week. Now is a great time to recognise a young person you know.
Entering the job market? Think skills, not just careers
We've been saying this at YNOT for a while now. Think skills, not careers, when looking for work.
Why Australia's Youth And Political Parties Aren't Talking
"If people don't see it as a broader social issue around intergenerational inequity then its going to be harder and harder for young people's different lived experiences to be heard in politics."
YNOT November Sector News
Check out YNOT's November Sector News!
How Australia's child protection system fails the most vulnerable
The ABC 4 Corner's episode on child protection 'Broken Homes: How Australia's child protection system is failing our most vulnerable kids' is a must watch for anyone in the youth sector.
Tell YNOT your ideas for the 2017-18 State Budget
What are your priorities for Tasmanian young people and the youth sector? We need your input for our submission to Treasury!
Congratulations to Mitch McPherson the Tasmanian Young Australian of the Year for 2017!
There's Life After Year 12 Exams
Do you have exams coming up? ReachOut are reminding students #thereislifeafter exams and have tips and tricks to get you through.