Mum on the Run Yarra Valley
Services & Errands for all stages of life •Resume Education•Admin•Personal shopping+More!full list of Services Head to Resume & Cover Letter Education
• Specialising in first time resumes and under 25's
• Have the best chance of landing an interview for the job you want
� How to make your resume stand out
� Do's and Don'ts
� Skills beneficial for years to come
Resume/Cover Letter assistance from
�An employers perspective
�An individual with 12 years recruitment experience in the retail and hospitality industries
�An individual with 8 years of training skills working with adolescents and first time job seekers
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Love a good Resumé private 1 on 1 😊Especially when you can work and eat 😋 #ResumeEducation
Resume Workshop
Hurry limited spaces available. Call 5962 5982 for information on how to enrol or head to Very affordable at $10 per person.
Resume Workshop
Healesville Living and Learning Centre
If you're interested in attending one of my Cover Letter and Resume workshops next year, details on how to enrol are here 😆😊
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EXCITING TIMES AHEAD 👏👏 Mum on the run has teamed up with the Healesville Living and Learning Centre and will be running its very first Resume and Cover Letter Education Workshops early 2017! One will be targeted at Adolescents entering the workforce for the first time and another for Mothers wishing to return to work. •Learn to prepare a stand out Resume and Cover Letter •Have a better chance at landing an Interview for the job you REALLY want! •Workshops are completely affordable so anyone can attend Come join me! For more info or to reserve your spot (Limited spaces available) contact Or the Healesville Living and learning centre on 5962 5982
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Resume tip of the day 👊 #ResumeEducation #youths #miniworkshop
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The importance of Resume and Cover Letter Education 👊 Specialising in first time resumes and under 25's
👩📃 Resume & Cover Letter Education • Specialising in first time resumes and under 25's • Have the best chance of landing an interview for the job you want Leave with a new Cover Letter & Resume but learn ✔️ How to make your resume stand out ✔️ Do's and Don'ts ✔️ Skills beneficial for years to come Resume/Cover Letter assistance from ✅An employers perspective ✅An individual with 12 years recruitment experience in the retail and hospitality industries ✅An individual with 8 years of training skills working with adolescents and first time job seekers
Mum on the Run Yarra Valley's cover photo
Mum on the Run Yarra Valley's cover photo
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When I first started in retail recruitment 12 years ago, we'd put a sign on the window and wait for a suitable applicant to walk in. We could see and speak with the potential employee. It didn't matter as much if their resume wasn't 100%. Sometimes they didn't even have a Resume. Because we had face value. Today more and more there are no applicants even allowed to apply in store. It's 'Please head to our webpage'. Having a Cover Letter and Resume that ticks all the boxes has never been more important. #YouthResumeGuidance #ResumeEducation #WeGuide #NotJustProvide If you'd like an idea what employers look for. Have a go at the resume challenge
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Sadly majority of today's students don't know how to create a professional resume. The number one excuse I hear is 'But I don't have anything to put on there' Even without work experience trust me there is a lot you can include! Lets help fix this problem #YouthResumeGuidance #WeGuide #NotJustProvide #ResumeEducation