John Ryan Design is a one stop creative digital agency. Designers and developers located in Melbourne, Australia. We develop websites, web apps, mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms, shopping carts and e-stores for e-commerce solutions, content management systems, educational and training tools for the e-learning environment, and print based media.
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facebook.comCaptivate 9 Workspace Issues
(Captivate 9 Workspace Issues) on John Ryan Design Captivate 9 Workspace Issues If you’re working with Captivate 9 and have had issues with the workspace panels and icons not appearing where they should, then I have a solution for you. You may have noticed that you can’t seem to dock panels, or the button bar has disappeared. In...
Callalily Luxury E-commerce Website
Callalily Luxury E-commerce Website
Pronto On Flinders Restaurant Website
Pronto On Flinders Restaurant Website
Swimwell E-commerce Website
Swimwell E-commerce Website
Local Server Installation
(Local Server Installation) on John Ryan Design Local Server Installation on Mac and Windows Hi folks. As promised, here’s the first in a series of tips and tricks. This one is about how to go about a local server installation. On Mac or Windows. Why would you want to do this? Here are some scenarios: You’re creating a brand new ...
CSS @media breakpoints
(CSS @media breakpoints) on John Ryan Design CSS @media breakpoints cheatsheet I get asked quite frequently for CSS @media breakpoints, and although this list is probably far more than you would ever use in a production environment, it’s useful to have as a reference for those special times when you want something...
Planning a website
(Planning a website) on John Ryan Design Planning a website – a workflow-based approach Here’s another in the WordPress Tips and Tricks series – this one’s about planning a website. It’s not a geek-level post, but more aimed at people who might not necessarily be web developers, IT professionals or nerdy...
Useful Wordpress Administrator Plugins
Useful Wordpress Administrator Plugins on John Ryan Design Useful WordPress Administrator Plugins. Here’s one more in the WordPress Tips and Tricks series. This one focuses on plugins that make your life easy. Easy because they allow you to access and control your content without getting click-happy. I’ll be making a few more posts on...
DSLR Camera simulator
DSLR Camera simulator
(Use JQuery with a Child Theme in Wordpress) on John Ryan Design How to Use JQuery with a Child Theme in WordPress. Yet another instalment in our free Tips and Tricks library. There are many situations within a WordPress website environment when you might want to hook up with a Javascript function to perform a particular function. For instance: Validating...
(Using Web Fonts) on John Ryan Design Tips on using Web Fonts Many times I’ve found myself wondering what font or typeface has been used on a website, particularly in these days when the availability is not restricted to just what the end user has installed on their local computer system. Being an ex-typesetter from the days...
(Five-star review - can you trust it ?) on John Ryan Design Five-star review : Artificial Intelligence and Astroturfing. Imagine this. You’re surfing the web, trying to find a particular product or service. You’re reasonably well informed – you’ve checked out specifications, fitness for purpose and perhaps even canvassed friends f...