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Grays Point Public School

109 Angle Rd, Grays Point, Australia



The Grays Point Public School community extends a warm welcome to all parents, students and friends. We encourage you to use our page as a two-way communication to our school and to promote the great successes that happen in our school.

We love conversations around our posts and encourage you to contribute, however we have some guidelines to make the page enjoyable for all users. These are:

1. Keep comments respectful with no swearing or personal criticisms. Inappropriate content will be removed.

2. Please be aware of other' privacy. Don't post images or private or identifying details (including surnames) of children or adults without permission.

3. We will try to respond to your questions as soon as possible, between 9am and 4pm on school days. If you have an emergency, please contact the school on 9524 3096.


Feeding time at the zoo 🙈

Feeding time at the zoo 🙈

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#gorgeousness #pals

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Aaaaaaand here come the hotdogs!

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Bowling 🙉

Bowling 🙉

Photos from Grays Point Public School's post

Year 6 are enjoying their last day of primary school knocking down some pins! ❤️🎳

Photos from Grays Point Public School's post

Photos from Grays Point Public School's post

A great night last night for Year 6 with so much dancing 💃🏼

Photos from Grays Point Public School's post

Photos from Grays Point Public School's post

Stage 1 had a great excursion at the Science Centre. What a great way to end the term.

Photos from Grays Point Public School's post

Due to the weather, today's 3, 4 and 5 Excursion to Stanwell Park has been cancelled. We have contacted Shellharbour Bus Company who have confirmed the conditions south of Sydney are poor. Students should come to school with their excursion gear. The Kindergarten excursion to the movies is going ahead as planned. The Year 1 and 2 excursion to the Science Centre is going ahead as planned. Buses leave at 9am. Thanks for your understanding.

Photos from Grays Point Public School's post

Great play last night Year 6. May your final days of primary school create lasting memories of friendship and happiness.

Photos from Grays Point Public School's post

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I SEE YOU Its a time of badges, certificates, medals, trophies, recognition, awards, prizes and 'seeing' of high achievement. I love seeing the kids that shine at this time of year - a big high heartfelt round of applause to you. You so deserve it for the effort you have put in. But this message is for the kids that didn't get called up for any of the above... I SEE YOU. To the child that conquered their fear of heights, or sleeping in the dark, or riding without training wheels or sleeping out for the night for the first time this year, I SEE YOU To the child that managed to resolve more conflict than they started this year, to the child that learnt to say the impossible; "I'm sorry", and to the child that walked away from the fighting instead of getting involved, I SEE YOU To the child for whom school is a huge struggle, you get up everyday and you go, I SEE YOU To the child that battled all year with the maths, or reading, or concentration, or speaking out in class, or learning their words, but persevered anyway, I SEE YOU To the child that found the kindness in their heart reach out in anyway to another person or to an animal in need or in pain, I SEE YOU To the child that learnt to give and to share for the first time this year and even found joy in these, I SEE YOU To the child that battles to make friends and to be social, you made new friends this year and for that, I SEE YOU To the child who wanted so much to please, but was just out of sight of an adult who perhaps was too busy or too distracted, I SEE YOU To the child who lost a friend or a loved one this year, but carried on everyday bravely even though their heart ached, I SEE YOU To the brave parents that try everyday to do the best for their kids, I SEE YOU. May you and your children revel in small but significant victories that you have both experienced this year. For every year there is progress and growth, we don't need a podium or handshake or a hall of applause to be seen. I SEE YOU.... Author unknown but would love to give credit.

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What's on in Week 10 [Monday] *Morning Assembly in COLA *Kinder Bush Christmas craft activity [Tuesday] *Year 6 Play Matinee *Year 6 Play 6pm [Wednesday] *Last day canteen [Thursday] *K-5 End of year excursion Years 1-2 Science Centre Years 3-5 Stanwell Park [Friday] *Year 6 End of year excursion *3pm- Farewell Arch *Last day students

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