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Say thanks to Mum, with a gift certificate for a new hair do. 😍😍😍 #qshair #mothersday 🎁🎀💟🎁🎀💟🎁🎀💟🎁🎀💟🎁🎀💟🎁🎀💟
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After photo of this lovely cut and colour. #lovewhatwedo 💜💜💜❤❤❤❤
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Mother's Day is just a round the corner! So make sure you like and share this post to go into the draw to win this beautiful autumn scarf and a wash and blow dry with the lovely Kiralee. (Will be drawn this Saturday 13th)
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After photos of some lovely blonde foils! #jeval #qshair #lovewhatwedo 💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛💜
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Have you got your next appointment? #callus #qshair ☏📞☏📞☏📞
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Full range available in store @ qshair .
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Love this colour change 😍😍 #qshair #jeval #newyou
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At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lest we forget. #anzac #anzacday2017 #wewillrememberthem #lestweforget
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Love this #shorthair before and after. #qshair #jeval #loveourwork 😍😍
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#qshair #regram #timeforachange. 💜😍💜☺💜
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Full range available in store #qshair #australianmade #stylish #getthelook 😍☺😀😄
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#happyeastereveryone #closed Good Friday Saturday Easter Sunday Easter Monday #loveourjob #staysafe #nosuchthingastomuchchocolate