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Ezyhealth Skin Cancer Clinic

216 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley, Australia



Ezyhealth Skin Cancer Clinic specialises in the monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of skin lesions and cancers. Ezyhealth Skin Cancer Clinic is located in Glen Waverley, Melbourne.
Patients are given a full body skin check using digital imaging and dermoscopy scans. Photos are taken for comparison over time to detect early changes. If necessary, biopsies and surgeries can be performed at the clinic. Medicare rebates apply.


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PETE EVANS has come under some serious fire after controversially revealing he wears “generally nothing” while out in the sun, and calling out the “poisonous chemicals” in sunscreen. But is he right? Yahoo7 Be spoke to Craig Sinclair, Chair of the Cancer Council Skin Cancer Committee on whether we should be worried about what is in sunscreens. And the answer was a resounding “no”. According to the experts, we definitely need to slip, slop, slap – and here’s five reasons why. Sunscreens aren’t harmful to your skin “The critical point with sunscreen here in Australia is that they’re governed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration which is a government authority whose job it is to regulate all pharmaceuticals in the country,” says Craig. “We are really fortunate in Australia that we have a highly regulated sunscreen industry.” “Where this context of poison [and] that it is harmful comes from, I do not know. It’s certainly not in the scientific literature. It’s certainly not something we as consumers need to be concerned about.” They are proven to reduce the risk of cancer “A typical SPF 50 sunscreen, when applied properly, will block out 98 percent of the sun’s UV,” says Craig. They are products that have been proven to be effective in reducing the risk of melanoma.” They’re the best wrinkle-buster around Don’t want to look like the leathery old lady in There’s Something About Mary? Protecting your skin from the sun is the best thing you can do to keep that fresh-faced glow you’ve got going on. “We have products that have been in the market for decades and they’ve been proven to not only reduce melanoma in particular, but of course skin ageing, because they’re letting a lot less UVA penetrate,” says Craig. Tanning is bad. Very bad. Pete admits to rocking “an all over tan all year” but that’s bad news for your skin, says Craig. “A tan is a sign of damage to your skin’s DNA. While sunburn is in an indicator you’ve gone too far, a tan is doing the same thing. Just because you don’t burn doesn’t mean you’re not putting yourself at risk of skin cancer.” That sun, she’s a powerful one. Fifteen minutes. That’s all it takes in summer to get the first sign of sunburn. For Pete to go surfing for four hours using Surf Mud, a product that hasn’t been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, is “madness”, says Craig. “It is really important that we take steps to protect ourselves prior to getting sunburnt,” says Craig. By Allison Yee - Yahoo7 Be on July 11, 2016

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An interesting article on Australian surfers with skin cancers: SURFERS RIDING A HIGH WAVE OF SKIN CANCERS Carmel Sparke | 30 May, 2016 | A study showed one in seven Australian surfers have had a skin cancer. Almost 14% of 1348 surfers surveyed had already had a skin cancer diagnosed or been treated by a doctor, yet their average age was just 36. The online survey of surfers across Australia found skin cancers were most commonly identified on the face, back and arms, while the feet, thigh and neck had the lowest number. In female surfers, most skin cancers were found on the back, followed by the face, then shoulders and arms. They had significantly fewer skin cancers around the top of the head, face, ears and necks than men and their longer hair could be a factor in this, the researchers suggested. Women in the study had fewer cancers than men, which was not surprising as they had not surfed for as many years, the study authors said. (adapted from Australian Doctor)

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We would like to introduce you to Dr Chrystal Fong who has joined us here at Ezyhealth. Dr Fong is available for consultations on Wednesdays and brings with her valuable knowledge and experience in the areas of Women's health and Skin health. Welcome Dr Fong!

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‘Thoughts and prayers with the big fella’

Our thoughts are with you Jarryd. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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CHECK OUT our close proximity to THE GLEN SHOPPING CENTRE! So easy to get to us, plenty of car parking at the clinic, or so close to the train station!

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Ezyhealth Skin and Body Clinic

Website Launch!! Take a look at the website to find out more about Ezyhealth Cosmetic Skin and Body Clinic.

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Ezyhealth Skin Cancer Clinic's cover photo

Ezyhealth Skin Cancer Clinic

Ezyhealth Skin Cancer Clinic

Susie Maroney reveals she is battling cancer

Don't let this be you. Book NOW for your Skin Cancer Check. Do not delay. Normally $120 - Current Offer 'BULK BILLED' - So no out of pocket costs to you. What are you waiting for? PHONE 9802 2791 We wish Susie all the very best with her treatment and recovery.

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Know Your Own Skin - Identifying Solar Keratoses. Call 9802 2791 to book your Skin Check with us.

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Hugh Jackman receives treatment for fifth skin cancer

Great advice from Hugh - Get your skin checked! Call us at Ezyhealth Skin Cancer Clinic now to book your appointment and we will BULK BILL your consultation. PHONE 9802 2791

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Our new sign looks great!

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