I am studying through fit college here is their website
I am a mother of 3 children youngest child being 8 weeks old. I have always had a passion for fitness for about 5 years. I have joined one of my local gyms and I hope to kick some personal goals in 2016
I hope to finish my certificate 3 and 4 in fitness and have a few clients to start hopefully my own personal training business.
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facebook.com the role of this organization in to inform people on the nutrition, supplements and recovery information so that clients can become healthier know exactly what they are putting into their bodies, also to help clients to achieve their goals. the benefit of this organization is so that my clients can trust a well-known professional about finding the right foods to eat, also ask any questions about recovery after exercises and supplements The role of ICREPS is to provide information and support to over 10 countries and regions that wish to develop a system for exercise this is called fitness Australia ICREPS/ fitness Australia is always putting clients first and always delivers a safe fitness service to all trainers and clients If you are looking for a trainer in your area jump on the link above and register your interest now. The benefit of this organization is that you will find well educated personal trainers that will help you reach your fitness goals in your own region
ALW fitness professional