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CrossFit Geelong

4 Lambert Ave Newtown, Geelong, Australia
Gym/Physical Fitness Center


We run tryout sessions every single week. We have 3 levels of exercise. Call us on 5222 5525 to put your name down to tryout! In short: CrossFit is a community where anyone of any ability can call themselves “Crossfitter’s” you don’t just do CrossFit your part of it!!

In Long: CrossFit is a fitness program designed around the things you do in the real world.  Its personal training, but in a group setting to make it more challenging! We borrow exercises from things like weightlifting, gymnastics, rowing, track and field, and we mix it up a lot, so your body is always adapting, getting stronger, faster and better conditioned

When you think of a “gym”, what comes to mind? If you are like most people you will think of rows of machines and banks of cardio equipment. Workouts are comprised of structured sets on a series of machines. You get a program card a brief show around and there you are left to fend for yourself. A few months go by and the novelty wears of and the results are no longer there. If they are not intimidating from the training point of view you are soon turned off by the sales people who have no real interest in real fitness.

What you get with CrossFit is Coaching by certified and experienced trainers, teaching you about real fitness, putting you on a leg press and making you go hard is not fitness nor is it effective. You pay us for our knowledge and advice and for us to be there for you.

CrossFit is suitable for any level of experience; the needs of an Olympic athlete to your average out of shape person are exactly the same. One is looking for Functional dominance the other Is looking for functional competence. By functional we mean to be able to do any of life’s physical challenges no matter what’s thrown at you.

We don’t use machines nor program cards, CrossFit is constantly varied functional movement executed at high intensity that teach you strength, stamina, flexibility, endurance, power, speed, balance, agility, co-ordination and accuracy. All scaled to suit your ability, CrossFit isn’t just another workout it’s a community of people who value true fitness taught by real trainers.


GOT ALL OUR DUCKS IN A ROW!! Come in tonight for a ripper of WOD! Tough one but worth it! #crossfitgeelong

Push yourself to do more. Do no accept a life of average. WORK HARD, TRAIN HARD and be the best that you can be! #crossfitgeelong

Happy New Years to all our amazing crew. What a year it was. Now for 2018 it’s time to enjoy it all. 👊👊👊#crossfit #crossfitgeelong #weloveourjob

Great Work Guys in today’s run! @_sinno86_ @_tessejo_ @marissa_krasic @robbie_krasic 🙌🏃🏽‍♀️@givegeelong #givewhereyoulive

Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄 From all the crew at CFG 🙌

🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅And this years BILLIE JO AWARD goes too.... SEAN CONQUIT! (He couldn’t be here this morning). Sean is one of our very longest term members! He is a volunteer surf lifesaver and works at the CFA. Husband, father and keen CrossFitter! He definitely has the Billie Jo Spirit 😇. Sean serves the community in so many ways and is a gorgeous man to have in our community here at CFG. Never complains, ALWAYS smiling & he genuinely loves life and everyone around him things he is one hell of a top bloke! We are so proud you are our 2017 Billie Jo Award Winner - Congratulations! 💯🏅🏅🏅🏅

The workout before the workout #xmasworkout #crossfit #crossfitgeelong

Our beautiful Selina aka Aunty doing what she does best! Crossfit Geelong would not run the same without her! #sheisthebest #crossfitgeelong #blessed

CFG Tops not far away now. Watch this space for how to place your order CFG gear soon 🙌

Need a last minute gift idea? Crossfit Geelong are now doing vouchers! Have a friend or family member wanting to get fit? Or want to buy yourself a present? Come down and grab one today! We promise you wont regret it! #jingleallthewaytocrossfit

Merry Christmas 🎄 to all our members. Have a really safe and memorable time with your families. Keep training through the silly season & stay focused on your goals 💪.

It’s easy to lose track and forget how far we have progressed over time. Can you remember starting at CFG and thinking..”I wish I could do (...insert here...) or lift (...insert here...)” No matter how small the progress, it’s still progress. Set goals, and get after them.


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