I was first licensed in 1981
and issued my Australian license on February 3rd 2015.
Quite a bit has changed since I first became an amateur. If you have a radio that can be setup as a portable station, I highly recommend you try it.
Find yourself a spot, next to salt water if you can. I promise you, you will enjoy every minute.
It's very pleasant sitting on the rocks at the waters edge, talking to people all around the world.
My setup consists of:-
a ¼ λ vertical for 20M, 5023mm long or 16' 5¾"
No ground plane radials
a homebrew Ground Tuning Unit. The GTU uses the base of the trolley as the counterpoise.
a 33AHr Deep Cycle AGM battery. Gives me over 3 hours or Portable working at full power.
an Emtron EAT-300A ATU (switched in Bypass mode on 20M)
all mounted on a small Magna Cart Folding Hand Truck.
At times I will be using an End Fed Half Wave Vertical for 20M with No radials.
Thanks to Alex, VK2HAS, for inspiring me with his Pedestrian Mobile set-up.
For more information on Portable/Mobile/Pedestrian Mobile operation, visit the Real HF Mobile Group
For my home operation, I use the same trolley, I just plug in a Mains power supply and a ¼ λ vertical for 20M which is mounted on the roof of the house. I would love to talk with you from my home and portable locations.
The Antenna is a ¼ λ vertical for 20M, 3 sections telescopic.
Made from 3 pieces of Aluminium tubing 20mm, 16mm and 12mm OD each with a wall Thickness of 1.6mm.
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facebook.comIt was good to get out today on my favourite bit of rock next to the Tasman Sea, although it was a bit wet as it decided to try and rain once I left home.. Met up with Dave AKC down on the 14.156 net where we moved up band and had a good ragchew. Then I went back down to 156 and had another quick chat with John EA7BA and also with Ted G4TLY before going QRT and heading back home, where of course it hadn't rained at all....only a few km difference. The band is very quirky at the moment, as I spoke with VK5AEP who was +20 at home but by the time I had got to the sea, a matter of less than 15 minutes he was only just audiable, but the UK guys were all above s6 and Q5. Dave AKC was of course the strongest and was booming in.
Timeline Photos
20Metres was unusual again this evening. Had a few contacts into Europe and the UK as well as VK and ZL