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Cutting Cloth

282 Wingrove Street, Fairfield, Australia



Cutting Cloth is a retail shop specialising in fine quilting fabric, homewares and quilting classes.


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Waiting for the needle arts version of 'sample spree' .... I'm loving this yarn and I particularly love these stripes but I don't think I thought through all of the weaving in of ends 😬 #cuttingcloth #TNNA #ilovestripes #josharpyarn

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A little Liberty love this afternoon ❤️ #cuttingcloth

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I'm off on a whirlwind trip to the US on Friday. I'm going to be taking yarn with me rather than fabric ... don't tell the fabric Gods! I have made myself the cutest little 'Yarn Bag' to keep my yarn tidy on my journey, for those of you who have toilet humour, like myself, can you guess what pops into my mind every time l tell someone what this little bag is???? 😂 #cuttingcloth #yarnbag #surelyimnottheonlyonewhothinksthis

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I've caved under pressure 😉... another Crochet Edge class has been added - Sunday the 26th of Feb 10 - 3pm 😊These lovely little bundles are Crochet Edge Pillow Slip kits complete with main fabric, lining, yarn and written instructions $30 each .... a lot of fun to make!!! #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothclasses #crochetedge

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Feeling a little like the Princess & the Pea here in the home of Cutting Cloth tonight ... I have been busy crocheting up a storm on my days off! If you would like to learn how to make the edging on these beauties our first class is on the 10th of February. Ring the shop for further details ... number in profile. No crochet experience necessary. #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothclasses #crochetedgepillows

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I am very excited to announce that we finally have dates for our Sashiko Stitching Classes! Our two day workshops will cover all of the basic techniques involved in this beautiful art. In addition to this you will also cover more advanced techniques such as pattern transfer. We have groups available on the 3rd & 17th of March, 21st of April & the 5th of May or the 9th & 23rd of June. A not to be missed class!!! #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothclasses #sashikostitching #imdoingthisone!!!!

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I've got this whole crochet edge addiction happening now!! We will be having a class to learn how to finish the edge of a blanket in this way on the 10th of February 10am to 3pm 😊 #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothclasses #crochetedgeblanket #learncrochet

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A rather large delivery of Liberty has just been unpacked ... the are going to make their way into some crocheted edge blanket kits ❤️#cuttingcloth #libertytanalawn #thisiscominghomewithmetoo

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This little bit of gorgeousness is by the VERY talented Wendy Williams .... doesn't it just make you smile?!!! Wendy teaches for us regularly - every 2 months! Her first class for the year is on the 28th of January .... we have a couple of places free so why not join us for a terrific day of stitching? #cuttingcloth #wendywilliams #flyingfishkits #woolfeltapplique

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.... I could be taking this whole knitting thing a little far ... but I think my Louie and Lilly would look pretty smart in these!!! This is the Bird Island Dog Sweater by Sys Fredens for Blue Sky Fibers. Definite next project 😂#cuttingcloth #blueskyfibers #birdislanddogsweater #woolstokyarn #ilovemydogs

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How about a bit of a crochet scallop on the edge of some liberty? I had a little laugh to myself the other day ... when my 14yo daughter saw this one she asked "will you make me one of these when I have a baby?" .... who would have thought? Literally everyone loves Liberty! #cuttingcloth #crochetedgebabyblanket #dmcnatura #grandbabieshadbetterbealongwayoff!!!!!!!

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So.... after professing my undying love for raw edge appliqué should I actually be admitting that it is actually this lot that is coming home with me tonight 😬 ... now I just have to find a little girl to wear it!!! 😂 #cuttingcloth #blueskyfibers #spudandchloe #puddlejumperponcho

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