Peperoncino Café is located right near the busy Essendon train station in the heart of Rose St
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TRIO OF DIPS....perfect for a light lunch or entre to share with a friend...with a tasty and fresh roquette and parmesan salad #peperoncinocafe #essendoncafes #essendon #dips #basilpesto #tzatziki #hummus #parmesan #roquette #fresh #light #healthylife #cafe #rosestreet
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This week's special BAKED CHEESY SPAGHETTI MEATBALLS! As good as Nonna makes 🍝 #meatballs #spaghetti #pasta #cheese #fresh # tasty #foodporn #getinmybelly #melbourne #melbournecafe #lunch #cafe #coffee #essendoncafes #essendon #rosestreet #lunchtime
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P E P E R O N C I N O C A F E for all your catering needs. Big or or cold....corporate or casual. Call Narelle on 0423765932 or the cafe on 93371994 to discuss your needs and menu ✔🍽🍪🍰🍕🍡🍉🍓🍒 #antipasto
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So this beautiful lady, Juan and mini Juan came for a visit today! So good to see you Eli 😍
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Smoothie bowl full of goodness...thanks Brigitte for the photo! Delicious down to the last spoonful #sohealthy #sogood
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These cute little hands couldn't resist the kinder surprise pancakes....come in and try them! #notjustforkids
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Eggs benedict anyone? This is our own Mr. Benny...he's ready and waiting for you! @peperoncinocafe 🍳🍴☕ Follow us on Instagram
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Crazy shake time!!!!! Carnivale that a musk stick??? Soooo good! 🍦🍨
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Kinder surprise pancakes!!! O.M.G!!! For all ages 😍😍 Share and spread the delicious word! Follow us on Instagram @peperoncinocafe
Peperoncino Cafe's cover photo
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W E A R E O P E N A N Z A C D A Y from 630am until 230pm. Lest we forget
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Station eggs and BIG breakfast. Happy customers 😊