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Dans Murals and Portraits

39 Waverley st, Essendon, Australia
Local Business



Do you have any plain boring walls?
Look no further I will happily hand paint murals, portraits or signage on any surface.

All enquiries welcome  


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Visited my Nans old house in Blairgowrie We ran a muck as kids around these streets and beaches back in the days Amazing how time flys by I want to go back Balling my eyes out 😞

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Getting pissed with these 2 great humans while I'm down in Frankston doing my Disney mural Frankston festival is on too 🍻🍻 They might regret this in the morning 🍻🍻😷😷😷

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Day 4.

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Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

Finished my football mural 3days (6x2.7) Thanks Dave, Holly and the 3 boys Good luck with the 2017 footy season and dust ups in this room 😉

Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

This could cause some dust up this footy season with a few of the boys in this man cave Melbourne and Essendon Kids are loving it Finished tomo Each of the kids will be on each side of the wall

Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

Gym design finished This one will be my biggest mural so far 4 walls continuing for a total of Around 15 metres long by 3.3 high Over 3 weeks Can't wait for this one I might even do another big video of it on my go pro Thanks to D2EGym Ballarat

Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

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My next toy Mates new bike which his helping me learn to ride I feel the need for speed

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Day 2.5 (4x2.4) Princesses

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Day 1. Disney Princesses theme Can you guess the 7 princes ?

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Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

Always great to be called back for another wall and see the room looking great But now it's a Princess theme For the little baby girl due in June

Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

Just scored a big mural at a gym in Ballarat (D2EGym on FB) superhero theme Can't wait Thanks Eric 💪

Photos from Dans Murals and Portraits's post

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Justin's finally finished his theatre room , he painted it all black Looks and feels great Time to put the feet up and watch a blockbuster on the big screen Happy new year to all 👍

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NEAR Dans Murals and Portraits

Frudeli Cafe

Essendon, Australia