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Carole Diamond Photography

24 Chelmsford Ave, Epping, Australia
Professional services



Baby Photographer! Making memories for your family.
Come to my cosy studio for a cake smash and let your big sister help you!
I have been photographing this lovely family for over 3 years now first with
Cassandra at 2 weeks of age and again at her first year.  Then came along Caitlin and I also started photographing her at 2 weeks and for her first year!
It has been such a pleasure watching and photographing these two gorgeous girls growing.
I normally only pop one photo up for a sneak peak but I really couldn't choose just one so here so you have 5 sneak peaks!
Carole Diamond Photography images are copyright protected. Mum and Dad you are welcome to tag, share or use as your profile picture. Images are low res. Please do not print, copy, crop or alter the image in way. Message me through my website for bookings.
Here they are Zachary and Emmalyn! Double the fun!
I need to thank for the gorgeous no 1 hats and for the sweet girls outfit.
Carole Diamond Photography images are copyright protected. Mum and Dad you are welcome to tag, share or use as your profile picture. Images are low res. Please do not print, copy, crop or alter the image in way. Message me through my website for booking

I am so lucky and get so many gorgeous babies into my studio but seriously look at this little boy! he is just so gorgeous and happy. Thank you Raeed for coming in and making me laugh today :-)
Carole Diamond Photography images are copyright protected. Mum and Dad you are welcome to tag, share or use as your profile picture. Images are low res. Please do not print, copy, crop or alter the image in way. Message me through my website for booking

Meet William!
The cutest little guy William came in today for his newborn photo sitting and wow he was such a good little man. It was a real pleasure to photograph him and his mummy and daddy
Carole Diamond Photography images are copyright protected.I would love you to tag, share or use as your profile picture. Images are low res. Please do not print, copy, crop or alter the image in way.
Message me through my website for booking
Cutest outfit by here he is :-)

Meet Jackson!
Jackson is a dear friend's baby boy. He came in today for his newborn photo's and was such a good little boy and oh so cute!



Timeline Photos

And I have had the pleasure to have my granddaughter stay and help me in the studio this week! i know right Granddaughter ? yep she has grown up so so fast and starting high school this year Love her so much! truly beautiful inside and out! Lily is a great helper in the studio and the little ones just love her

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Cake Smash No 2 for today sweetest little Cienna! You should have seen Cienna while having her bath splash she was the best splasher ! Loved it Gorgeous No 1 hat by

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

We had Superman in our Studio today!! Lomas turned 1 yesterday and just loved his Cake Smash today! I have never to this day seen a cake smashed so much by a one year old lol! Gorgeous Superman outfit by

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Gorgeous Little Aaliyah from todays cake smash She was such a good girl considering she missed her nap today

Timeline Photos

I am happy to announce a new addition to the team here at Carole Diamond Photography! Kassandra is coming onboard as our design consultant as we move towards some very exciting changes this year! Kassandra specialises in transforming your memories into beautiful art to adorn the walls of your family home. Welcome Kassandra!

Timeline Photos

This was todays colours for a gorgeous girls cake smash! sometimes parents don't want their babies on face book, I don't have a problem at all with this but love these colours so had to show! looked so good with the purple tutu and no1 birthday hat and pearls

Timeline Photos


Great time on a freezing cold day today in my really warm studio with a cake smash!! Caitlin is now One! I have been photographing this family for over3 years now starting with Cassandra Caitlin's big sister! It's been a pleasure watching and photographing them growing. #baby #sydneybabyphotos #sydneybabyphiyography #sydneybabyphotography #cake #cakesmash #cakesmashphotos #cakesmashphotography #1stbirthday #1stbirthdayphotos #carolediamondphotography



Great time on a freezing cold day today in my really warm studio with a cake smash!! Caitlin is now One! I have been photographing this family for over3 years now starting with Cassandra Caitlin's big sister! It's been a pleasure watching and photographing them growing. #baby #sydneybabyphotos #sydneybabyphiyography #sydneybabyphotography #cake #cakesmash #cakesmashphotos #cakesmashphotography #1stbirthday #1stbirthdayphotos #carolediamondphotography



Great time on a freezing cold day today in my really warm studio with a cake smash!! Caitlin is now One! I have been photographing this family for over3 years now starting with Cassandra Caitlin's big sister! It's been a pleasure watching and photographing them growing. #baby #sydneybabyphotos #sydneybabyphiyography #sydneybabyphotography #cake #cakesmash #cakesmashphotos #cakesmashphotography #1stbirthday #1stbirthdayphotos #carolediamondphotography



Great time on a freezing cold day today in my really warm studio with a cake smash!! Caitlin is now One! I have been photographing this family for over3 years now starting with Cassandra Caitlin's big sister! It's been a pleasure watching and photographing them growing. #baby #sydneybabyphotos #sydneybabyphiyography #sydneybabyphotography #cake #cakesmash #cakesmashphotos #cakesmashphotography #1stbirthday #1stbirthdayphotos #carolediamondphotography



Great time on a freezing cold day today in my really warm studio with a cake smash!! Caitlin is now One! I have been photographing this family for over3 years now starting with Cassandra Caitlin's big sister! It's been a pleasure watching and photographing them growing. #baby #sydneybabyphotos #sydneybabyphiyography #sydneybabyphotography #cake #cakesmash #cakesmashphotos #cakesmashphotography #1stbirthday #1stbirthdayphotos #carolediamondphotography



Sweetest 10 day new Chantelle from today's sitting! She was just perfect #newborn #newbornphotography #newbornphotossydney #sydneybabyphotos #sydneybabyphiyography #sydneybabyphotography #babyphotossydney #babystudiosydney #babystudiosydney #babyphotoportraits



#sydneybabyphotos #babyphotossydney #babystudiosydney #babyphotoportraits #sydneybabyphiyography #sydneybabyphotography #newborn #newbornphotography #newbornphotossydney #baby #sleepingbaby



#sleepingbaby #sydneybabyphotos #sydneybabyphiyography #sydneybabyphotography #newborn #newbornphotography #newbornphotossydney #baby #birthdayboy #babyphotossydney #babystudiosydney #babyphotoportraits



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