BIG JIMMYS PERSONAL TRAINING , is like no other Personal Training you will have, or ever experience in your life!
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Do not Die Wondering People!! Die knowing You Gave It Your FKN All!!
Fearless Motivation
BIG JIMS Personal Training
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HEY PEEPS!! Please find BIG JIMS PT weekly and package prices below, for SNAP Fitness, and MMA/Kickboxing/Boxing/Strength and Conditioning PT SESSIONS, at your residence or at my MMA Gym at my home. 👊👊 1 - 1 hour PT Session a week - $50 2 - 1 hour PT Sessions a week - $85 (BEST VALUE DEAL) 👌 3 - 1 hour PT Sessions a week - $100 4 - 1 hour PT Sessions a week - $140 PACKAGE DEALS 5 - 1hour PT Sessions to be used over 6 months - $225.00 10 - 1 hour PT Sessions to be used over 12 months - $400.00 15 - 1hour PT Sessions to be used over 12 months - $580.00 20 - 1 hour PT Sessions to be used over 12 months - $750.00. Half an hour PT Sessions also available, just halve the above prices😊 Individually tailored PT PACKAGES available upon request. BIG JIM will write up a free individually tailored fitness programme free with all above weekly prices and package deals. Lifestyle, diet and nutrition plans also available upon request tailored to your budget. At the start of every Month BIG JIM, will be offering a special of the month! And a special deal/ prize will be drawn every month for BIG JIMS PT family. Still to come BIG JIMS Classes and Time table for MMA/Kickboxing/Boxing/Strength and Conditioning, at SNAP Fitness, and my private Martial Arts Gym at my place. Feel free to drop me a message, phone, or drop in to SNAP FITNESS to discuss you needs. MARTIAL ARTS AND THE FITNESS INDUSTRY IS BIG JIMS PASSION!! This is what separates me from the rest!! I will stop at nothing to inspire and achieve your goals. I don't sell gimmicks or flash state of the art programmes that will change your life in 20 mins a day! I SELL HARD FKN WORK!! Because that is the only way to get results that will achieve your health and fitness goals. Much Love and Respect Always! 👊👊💪💪🙏🙏❤️ BIG JIM 😊
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Hey Peeps 😊 BIG JIMS PERSONAL TRAINING will be posting a list of prices and package deals over the coming days. As well as some great special deals and discounts, to help get you all in your way to your health and fitness goals! GET IN QUICK GUYS AND GIRLS, as bookings are filling FAST! BIG JIM will also be putting up a timetable for MMA/kickboxing/boxing/strength and conditioning classes, these classes will be conducted at SNAP FITNESS, for $10.00 per person for 1 hour classes, and $15.00 per person for a one hour class at my place. LOTS MORE TO COME AS WELL EVERYBODY! EXCITING TIMES!! Real Personal Training, with real Results! 😊👊👊🙏🏼❤️
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RULE NUMBER ONE IN LIFE! You will never ever WIN If your to afraid to LOSE!
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BIG JIMMYS Personal Training is a staunch supporter of FACCA FIGHTERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE AUSTRALIA!! Get behind them everybody, and like and follow their page, as they fight to protect our children day in and out from child abuse and domestic violence! :)
BIG JIMMYS PERSONAL TRAINING Is here peeps!! I can tell you now, that you will never have experienced or will experience the Personal Training I have offer!! I am truly overwhelmed with the response to my special, elite form of Personal Training so far, That has taken years of lifes experiences to develop a form of training that not only trains the body, but trains and strengthens the mind! Through 27 years of lifes experience, good and bad, some horrific, I now understand why I endured the life i did, especially as a child. That is to help others who thorough no fault of their own, or due to trauma, bad life choices, no matter what your situation, I am not here to judge!! I am here to help you on a journey, to fix your mind, body and soul, all of which are connected, and necessary to become the healthiest, happiest and fittest people we can be. You are not a client to me! You will become a part of a special family, that will feel loved and wanted. Keep an eye out peeps for further updates! Specials offers, and heaps of other stuff to come! Much Love and Respect to you All! :)
BIG JIMS Personal Training's cover photo
BIG JIMS Personal Training