Our La Marzocco coffee machine helmed by Benny will give you one of the finest coffees that you'll get your hands on in Eltham. (Ask for a "magic")
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This beautiful man would be 70 today. If your dad is still around, sit down for a coffee with him and ask him to tell you life stories. If not, light a candle and raise a glass with me to the man who first held your hand. Who picked you up and brushed your knees off. Who held onto the back of your bike seat as you wobbled your first pedal strokes down the path. May you all be as lucky as I was.
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Paul G stringing the peloton out in Glenvale and flying the Papa Bear flag. Legend. If you want to look equally stylish, pop in and order a set of the kit.
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Life's a bit of a balancing act. Take some time, slow down and enjoy the ones you love over the long weekend. See you all Wednesday!
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Muffin or bacon and egg tart? Pick your morning friend
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It was great to see so many new faces at the cafe for a Saturday breakfast. Such a joy watching our community grow. Seems like lots of people have recently moved into Eltham in the past month or so... Hope you've all got a lap full of love this weekend. Enjoy!
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Tomorrow will be two weeks since this little fella came into the papa bear den. Frankly, it has been humbling how many people have wished us well, given us baby gifts (and new big brother gifts) and just had us in their thoughts. Thank you. We are so grateful for it all. For our community and for you. Much love from us!
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If you've put your feet up after a long first week at work remember that @papabearelthamcafe is open from 7am today. Come and grab yourself a coffee, breakfast and or some banana bread. See you there!
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Just got this amazing array from Sara at the Eltham florist. It takes a good heart to realise that the big brother needs to be acknowledged when a baby comes into the house. Feeling very grateful for our great neighbours
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A newborn.... A four year old.... First day at the office.... Lucky the coffee is pouring! See you at papa.
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Hope your summer loving has recharged you for the new year. We will be back, cooking it up and pouring coffee as of Tuesday the 5th. Be there, or be in Noosa- your choice. Tough, I know...