Small job specialist.
Jobs around the home and garden.
Ride-on mower service. Free Quotes. Reasonable Rates
If the service you require is not listed, please let me know how I can help.
Brushcutting / Slashing
Carpentry (Raised Vegie Beds)
Cleaning (Driveway/Concrete - High-Pressure Karcher/Gerni)
Edible Garden Creations
General Outdoor Maintenance
Gutter Cleaning
Handyman Services (Bookshelves, Curtain Rails, Ikea flatpacks, etc)
Hedge Trimming
Irrigation Design & Installation
Leaf Cleanup & Removal
Mowing (Pusher & Ride-On)
Mulch Supply & Spreading
Pest & Disease Control
Removal (Shrub & Tree - under 3m)
Pruning (Shrubs/Ornamentals/Exotics/Fruit Tree)
Rubbish Collection & Removal
Soil Improvement
Tidy Ups / Cleanups / Pre-Sale
Trailer Use (Oversize Shopping Purchases, etc)
Weed Control / Herbicide Application (Roundup/Glypho)
Whipper Snipping / Line Trimming
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Timeline Photos
Busy in a garden yesterday, and spotted my first Cicada. Cyclochila australasiae. They are more commonly known as the green grocer, and are one of Australia's most familiar insects. They are found in coastal regions of southeastern Australia, and are one of the loudest insects in the world.
Timeline Photos
Been clipping some shapes today; an Ivy hedge, a pair of standard Robinia balls, and a variegated Pittosporum cube ...
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Mowing the lawn usually attracts more of the birdlife looking for grubs ... spotted these two opportunists watching me labour with the mower ... one even had a laugh at me ...
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Visited a customer's garden today, and was amazed at the standard roses - what a display of colour. I can't say pruning and feeding had nothing to do with it 🌺🌺
Photos from Gardening & Home Handyman's post
Never be surprised about what wildlife visits your garden ... we've had the natives, such as Blue Tongued Lizards, Brush-Tailed Possums, Ring-Tailed Possums and the Eastern-Grey Kangaroo. Also the usual collection of introduced species such as the House Mouse (not in the house!), Black Rat (neighbours chickens), European Rabbit, and the Red Fox. However, we were surprised yesterday on seeing an Echidna wandering around the back garden. This is a first and a big surprise. The mystery is, how did it get into the garden? The back garden is fenced & gated to stop rabbits from invading. Most likely there is a tunnel somewhere ... I just hope the rabbits don't find it!
Well, the Bronchitis turned into Pneumonia (of all things). Fortunately the antibiotics have done the trick and I'm back helping customers in their gardens 🌹🌻🌸🌼🌳🌿💐🌲🍁
Dear Valued Customers, I am suffering from Bronchitis unfortunately at the moment... I am very weak and not sleeping at all due to incessant coughing ... I am hoping to be back on my feet in a couple of weeks time ... I will keep you posted... Thank-you, Chris
Photos from Gardening & Home Handyman's post
It does seem a bit early in the fruit growing season, but it looks like it's time to check & repair your anti-bird nets - going to need them soon, hopefully .... just had a quick wander around the 'orchard', and noticed an early apricot and the fig are starting to fruit! ... must have been that warm weather we had last week, and the rain we're getting now :-)
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On such a dull day, it is lovely to be greeted by something so cheery ... an Aussie native, Chamelaucium 'Petticoat Pink' ... good choice Effie :-)
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The garden #instagramtest