Located in Dural north of Sydney, Dural Medical Centre is part of the Healthscope Medical Centres network. Please note: Dural Medical Centre Facebook page is an information & news site only. To contact us please phone: (02) 6129 5100 For any feedback please send us an email via our website
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facebook.comImprove Memory Fast & Fun Brain Fitness Exercises
It’s only human to forget how important our brain truly is. The brain is responsible for directing the operations of the entire human body. Every blink of your eye, every twitch of your muscle, and every thought that runs through your mind originate from the brain. Pretty cool, right? It’s because of this exact reason that we’re in support of Brain Awareness Week. Brain Awareness Week, otherwise known as BAW, will be underway from the 13th to the 19th of March, and is a global campaign that aims to increase awareness of the benefits and progress of brain research. We all have a brain, and it’s time that we all start looking after it. Get involved by becoming a partner and register your organisation TODAY. By doing so, you commit to spreading awareness and educating the public about the brain and the promise of brain research, something that will benefit each and every one of us. You can register by clicking HERE: Let’s work towards happy and healthy brains worldwide. Have a go at this fun and fast game, which helps to improve memory and encourage overall brain health.
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Have you got a digital health record? Today, we are operating in a world that relies heavily on digital technology, and as a result, this has impacted the way we get information from point a to point b. Digital/electronic health records allow for a more seamless communication of information-rich content, enabling quality care minus the drama. Digital health records can greatly improve health care convenience and quality by: • Allowing for patient information to be available to authorised health care providers at any time whenever the patient needs care; • Lowering administrative costs; • Reducing clerical errors; and • Providing up to date and accurate information about patients at the point of care. If you’re interested in starting up your digital health record, we can help. Give us a call on (02) 9652 5100 to discuss electronic health records with our staff.
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Are you travelling overseas in the near future? Here at Dural Medical Centre, we can assist you by giving you all of the travel advice and vaccinations that you will need for your next big getaway. Make your next holiday a healthy one. Give us a call on (02) 9652 5100 to book an appointment with one of our GPs.
Intl Childhood Cancer Day
International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) falls on the 15th February this year, and is a global initiative and campaign that aims to raise awareness about childhood cancer, whilst supporting children and young adolescents with cancer, as well as the survivors, the families of these young children and adolescents, and the doctors and medical practitioners that work passionately to service and dedicate their time to the cancer community. Get involved by wearing a gold ribbon on the day to raise awareness and acknowledge the children and adolescents that bravely fight cancer daily. Click ‘going’ on the 2017 International Childhood Cancer Day event page to show that you honour and support the need to DO MORE and CARE MORE for children with cancer.
Heart Research Australia - Australia's number one killer disease
Meet Australia’s biggest killer – heart disease. Heart Research Australia’s National Wear Red Day gives Australian’s a chance to work together to raise money to help fund ground-breaking research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Join us in wearing RED for a small gold coin donation on the day of hearts; 14th of February. Choose to make a change by registering for Wear Red Day 2017 here:
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Look and feel your best by getting involved in Australia’s Healthy Weight Week! AHWW takes place from the 13th to the 19th of February, and is an initiative of The Dietitians Association of Australia. This campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining and achieving a healthy weight and lifestyle. Take the leap and do something great for YOUR body! Get involved by entering Australia’s Healthy Weight Week’s exciting instagram competition! Simply follow @dietitians_association_aus on Instagram and upload a picture of your home cooked meal, using the hashtags #AHWW2017 and #CookingChallenge. One lucky winner will be heading to Adelaide with a friend to attend a cooking class with Sprout (valued at $1,600). Three runner ups will receive a copy of 'Quick. Easy. Healthy.', courtesy of Sprout. This is a fun way to put your cooking skills to the test and will prove just how delicious healthy food can be. Take the challenge TODAY!
World Cholangiocarcinoma Day
Ever heard of Cholangiocarcinoma? If you responded with ‘no’, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, the majority of people are not aware that this devastating cancer even exists. Cholangiocarcinoma is a cancer that occurs within the bile ducts, in or outside the liver, and is often fatal. World Cholangiocarcinoma Day aims to raise much needed awareness of cholangiocarcinoma, and your help is needed. YOU can make a difference by using your voice to spread the word and educate others on cholangiocarinoma. On the 15th of February, we’re challenging everyone to change their profile image to the World Cholangiocarcinoma Day logo and/or show your support by hitting LIKE on the World Cholangiocarcinoma Facebook page.
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Did you know that 60% of Australians develop skin cancer in their lifetime? Skin cancer will occur when skin cells become damaged, a result of overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Around two in three Australians are diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70, and more than 750,000 people are treated for one or more non-melanoma skin cancers in Australia each year. We are inviting all Australians to join us in being sun smart this summer and throughout the rest of 2017 by simply following these steps below before heading outside. 1) Wear as much protective clothing as possible. 2) Slop on the SPF – 30 or higher and ensure it is water resistant. 3) Slap on a hat – it is recommended to wear a broad brimmed hat that will protect your face, neck and ears. 4) Seek shade – Make use of trees and built shade, or bring your own. 5) Slide on a pair of sunnies – be stylish AND sun smart. A simple skin check could save your life. We highly recommend checking your skin on a regular basis in order to get to know your skin. This is a great preventative measure as you can take immediate action if you notice any visible changes.
My Health Record | Benefits of having a My Health Record
Why should my child have a 'My Health Record'? My Health Record allows parents to keep track of their children's immunisations, developmental milestones such as growth charts, height, weight, healthcare provider/hospital visits and other important medical information.
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We had our PINK MORNING TEA on Tuesday 25th October 2016. Thank you to our very supportive patients who came in PINK. We raised $344.75 for #BreastCancerAwareness and #BreastCancerResearch National Breast Cancer Foundation Breast Cancer Network Australia Cancer Council Pink (L-R)Dr Pinnock, Sharon - PM , Dr Yacoub and Elyssa.
The reality of living with severe asthma
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Dural Medical Centre invites all patients to come and join us for a PINK MORNING TEA We will be offering FREE BREAST CHECK EXAMINATIONS and selling delicious pink goodies to raise funds for breast cancer research and raising awareness in our community. TUESDAY 25 OCTOBER 2016 10.00am – 11.30am No bookings required.