Local fine foods
We welcome you to Local Fine Foods where we are proud and excited to provide our community with quality fruit, vegetables and groceries.
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|| L Y C H E E S || #lychees #small #butsweet #enjoythelittlethings #summer #fruit #localfinefoods #diamondcreek #fruitlife #sharegoodness
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Getting excited here for New Year's Eve! #newyear #bringon2017 #besilly #havingfun #itsgoingtobeagoodone #fruitlife #diamondcreek #localfinefoods #besafe #dontdrinkanddrive #sharegoodness
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Think of what you can do with these New Year's Eve! 🍓🍓🍓 3 for $5 #daiquiris #fruitsalad #pinacolada #chocolateandstrawberries #strawberriesandchampagne #thelistgoeson #localfinefoods #diamondcreek #organicstrawberries #dontdrinkanddrive #keepcalmandstaysafe #sharegoodness #fruitlife
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Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Local Fine Foods is honoured to be apart of your Christmas Day bringing happiness, laughter and FOOD to your family table! We are so proud to be apart of the Diamond Creek community! Merry Christmas everyone 😊 #merrychristmas #thankyou #diamondcreek #ourfamilies #customers #staff #friends #youhaveallbeenwonderfull #sharegoodness #fruitlife #localfinefoods #weloveit
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Need a place to cool off??? #Christmas #funtimes #fruitlife #weloveit #summer #itshot #busybusybusy #delerious #diamondcreek #localfinefoods #sharegoodness #itstheseasontobejolly
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#weareopentill730pm #christmasfood #diamondcreek #wearestillhere #tonight #sharegoodness #localfinefoods #fruitlife #fruitshop #theseasontobejolly
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We have all your potato needs covered this Christmas! #roasted #mashed #boiled #salad #fried #mixed #baked #potatoes #christmasfood #sharegoodness #diamondcreek #localfinefoods #2moresleeps #familytraditions #fruitlife
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K O M B U C H A - 1, 2, 3, 4 #kombucha #organicandlive #probioticelixir #slowfermented #wehaveit #localfinefoods #diamondcreek #sharegoodness #fruitshop #fruitlife
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#comingverysoon #coconut #dairyfree #heaveninamouthfull #coyo #tastey #creamy #localfinefoids #diamondcreek #sharegoodness #fruitshop #fruitlife
Diamond Creek
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#summer #bringiton #warmerweatherplease #itisofficiallysummer #summerfruits #fruitlife #localfinefoods #lovethistimeofyear #sharegoodness #eatrightnotless #fruitandveg #diamondcreek #lovesummerdays #lovesummernights #freshisbest