We aim to bridge the gap between University and first year teaching positions by empowering new/pre-teachers with knowledge from real teachers!
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facebook.comNot long until the 2017 school year starts! How are we all feeling?
Just over one week until final registrations close!
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November 26th - Final Ready2Teach seminar for 2016... Registrations close Wed 23rd.
Final Seminar For 2016
Our FINAL Ready2Teach Seminar for 2016 will be held on Saturday 26th NOVEMBER. Ready2Teach is the perfect way to start your career with confidence and preparation, learning how to control your grade from Day 1, how to use your time effectively so you don't have to take work home every night and planning lessons to actually cater for all your students exactly where they're at!
Make sure you grab your tickets ASAP to secure your seat in our next seminar!
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Thinking of coming to a seminar... Check out our testimonials at
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Ready2Teach Seminar
Don't miss out on our next available seminar, get in before all seats are gone. Group discount for 5 or more people.