Diamond Creek Runners
Diamond Creek Runners
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Tonight's sessions (Skills, Social run and Start to run) have been cancelled in line with our heat policy. We hope to see you on Thursday night for Start to run, Social run or DCR time trial all commencing at 7pm. Please feel free to share or tag anyone you think may not see this message in time.
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This week Diamond Creek parkrun had pacers on the track, an initiative that runs once a quarter to help people with pacing for the 5km distance. It was great to see a lot of Diamond Creek Runners volunteering to support the local community and helping lots of runners - some of which were our members - in achieving personal best times. If you are working on a 5km personal best time have you considered training with us? We'd love to see and support you. You can find more information about session times or training plan on our website www.diamondcreekrunners.org.au
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** Sunday 26th Feb run details ** Trail: Ring Road Trail Meeting place: Diamond Valley Library. Civic Dr, Greensborough (see X on map) Time: 8am Distance: 5km, 8km+ and STR Run leader: Trevor Please note there are no toilets or taps until 8am We will be heading to Cube at the Heights ( on Diamond Creek road ) at 9am following the run for a coffee, some breakfast if you wish and a social catch-up. Hope to see you there.
Training Plans
Did you know that we have training plans available to help you prepare for your events? We have generic training plans for 5km, 10km, half marathon and full marathon distances. We've also recently added specific 5km and 10km plans for the Eltham Fun Run Walk 2017 as well as half and full marathon plans for Great Ocean Road Running Festival that include the skills sessions we offer each week as part of the plan. Check them out at http://diamondcreekrunners.org.au/plans and feel free to chat with any of our coaches if you have questions.
Photos from Diamond Creek Runners's post
** Sunday run 19 Feb 2017 - Two options available ** OPTION 1 Trail: Aqueduct Trail Meeting place: Corner Godber Rd & Allendale Rd (top of hill) Time: 8am Distance: Start to Run, 5km, 8km+ Session Leader: Paul Please be considerate to locals when parking and making noise before we run. And pls gather on the path not the road. OPTION 2 Trail: Christmas Hills Trail Meeting place: Top of Marshalls Rd, off Buttermans Track St. Andrews. Parking is available but limited, so please carpool if possible Time: 7:30am – NOTE EARLIER START TIME Distance: 5km, 8km+ Session Leader: David ***NOTE - There are no water taps or toilets.*** ***BYO Water and tissues in case of emergency pit stop!**
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Our Start to Run program commences week 3 this week and as you can see by this picture, the group is still keen and excited!
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This weekend a number of our runners attended the Flying Brick Bellarine Sunset Run. For the second year in a row Diamond Creek Runners had members in both the 10.7km and 21.8km runs. This year we also had some junior members participate in the 4km run/walk too. To ensure that our runners were prepared for potential weather conditions that could be encountered at Bellarine we provided extra training sessions leading up to this run that were tailored to running in the late afternoon and in the heat to help our members prepare - luckily the weather was much kinder this year and provided a lovely evening for a run. Would you like some help in preparing for an event? Or want to come and be a part of a great inclusive recreational club. Then check out our website at www.diamondcreekrunners.org.au for our timetables and come along to a session.
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**SUNDAY 12th Feb RUN DETAILS** Trail: Eltham Lower Park (towards Petty's Orchard) Meeting place: At playground to left of roundabout at Eltham Lower Park, Main Rd, Eltham (see X on map) Meeting time: 8am Distance: 5km, 8km+ and STR Session Leader: Frank You don’t have to be a member to run with the DCR. You are very welcome to come a try a few sessions before you sign up as a member.
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We are very pleased to report that the cool change has arrived. All runs will be held tonight as scheduled.
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It's going to be a scorcher on Thursday 9 Feb! With a predicted temperature of 38c we may need to cancel our sessions tomorrow - this will include our Start to Run program and our regular social runs. We really don't like to cancel runs but we need to ensure the safety of our members. We will assess the conditions at 4:30pm and post the decision at 5pm tomorrow. Please feel free to tag and share amongst your friends so we can get the word out.
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On Saturday the 11th of February Diamond Creek Runners will have representatives at Diamond Creek parkrun ready to answer all of your questions. Want to know about our Start to Run program? Interested in what skills sessions we offer? Ever wandered where our social runs are? What coaching assistance we can offer? Or just want to say hi? Just look for the Diamond Creek Runners flag and our members who will be ready and waiting to speak with you and come on over. We would love to see you.
Photos from Diamond Creek Runners's post
**SUNDAY 5th Feb run details - 2 sessions** Morning session Trail: Plenty River Trail Meeting place: Montmorency Park (enter near Monty Football Club - see X on map) Meeting time: 8am Distance: 5km, 8km+, Start to Run Session Leader: Lori The trail follows the Plenty River from Montmorency through to Lower Plenty then heads away from the river up the hill to Viewbank. This will be an out and back run. Afternoon session Last opportunity to get some training for running in heat. Please ensure that you hydrate well during the day, wear light clothing and bring water with you for the run. Trail: Diamond Creek Trail Meeting place: Marngrook Oval, Diamond Creek. Meeting time: 4pm Distance: 5km-15km Session Leader: Lori You don’t have to be a member to run with the DCR. You are very welcome to come a try a few sessions before you sign up as a member.