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YOR Organic Reality

23 Quirk Street, Dee Why, Australia



Our goal is to help share and educate the benefits of living naturally through the use of organically certified essential oils and plant based supplements.


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🌴🌴 GO • G RE E N • M O V E M E N T 🌴🌴 Another awesome #GoGreen testimonial! 🙏 We've never consumed as many calories before; 🙈 The nutrients found within our foods are at an all time low; 🙈 Majority of food we consume are enzyme dead... 🙈 Yet we've been told to continue to consume the same amounts of foods these days? 🤔 Here's what happens when you give your body what if needs and bring it back into balance... ☺️🙏 #JoinTheMovement

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🌴🌴 • G O • G R E E N • S U C C E S S • 🌴🌴 This is how amazing this cleanse has been, and it shows no signs of slowing down! Checkout this amazing little excerpt from our good friend, Kiam up in Brisbane on her GoGreen journey! "A pair of shorts that had been sitting in my drawer for 4 years. Never in my life would I think one-day my ass would fit into them. Biggest weight-99 kgs 😤 Started GGIF at 87.6kgs 😔 Weight right now 66.8kgs 😏 Old goal weight-60kgs 😒 New TARGET-55kgs 🤗 Watch this space GoGreenmovement!" Great little piece from her testimony!! Once you know what you want, put in a plan in place and really go for it... the rest is history!! ☺️✌️ Who's next?! 🔥🔥 #GoGreenCleanse #LiveBare #JoinTheMovement


🌱🌱 N A T R A • K L E E N 🌱🌱 Thanks to Tim Pharo, we have found Natra Kleen as one of the recommended cleaning products to use in/around the house. Pharo Cleaning use this product for all their jobs! If you have any questions or queries about this, either contact us, or contact Tim Pharo! Get Cleanse, Get Pharo!


YOR Health Promoters

Great little article on how to naturally combat stress! ✌️ Spending more time in nature works best for us... what resonated best with you? Good Morning Monday! 😌🙏

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There are as many gyms, PTs and nutrition stores on nearly every corner of every block.. yet the obesity figures continue to rise... 🤔 If the 'current way' we do things relating to health isn't working, isn't it worth trying something different? 🙃 If you have found what works for you, we believe you should continue on - stick to what works for you! 💙 For others though, they may still be looking for that 'way'... we understand 💯 We have not done our bodies justice over the last 10, 20, 30 years! The foods we've consumed, the alcohol, the damage our bodies have endured with the toxins put on ourselves daily... We need to look at reversing some of the damage! 😷 The simplicity of the Go•Green Cleanse basically focuses on getting the core of your health working again, combined with the protocols of Intermittent Fasting which is both backed by science and ancient wisdom. 💪 With the countless number of testimonials since this launched, we've found that those on the cleanse were more alert, energised and active throughout the day. They had found extending the fast until lunchtime was much more effective with their life style commitments. 😍 The cleanse was simple and effective, which is what you want. There was no need to count calories, carry Tupperware containers, restrictions to eat certain food groups.. you were able to live life how you should! 🤗 If you're wanting to know more or even see if this way works for you, get in touch with us and we'll be more than happy to help. ☺️

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Five (5) Morning Must-Do’s: Dennis Wong

A great article on our Co-Founder, Dennis Wong and his 5 Morning Must Do's. Have you got your morning routine?

Personal Trainers Adelaide - Will Trengove Health

ONLINE WEBINAR - SPECIAL GUEST! Crew! It gives me the great pleasure to confirm that our special guest will be hosting the GoGreen Webinar tonight. Our special guest is pioneering the GO Green movement in Adelaide, and is one of the top YOR Health mentors covering South Australia. Currently completing his double degree (Bachelor of Human Movement [Exercise & Sports Science] & Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences) at the University of South Australia, he has a huge passion on helping those wanting to better themselves, both physically and mentally. Please welcome, Will Trengove. For more information, checkout his website checkout his website; Brisbane - 7pm Adelaide - 7.30pm Sydney / Melbourne - 8pm NZ - 10pm See you guys online tonight! ✌️️✌️️

🚨 🚨 HAPPY HUMP DAY POST! 🚨 🚨 Hope you're all doing very well family! Just a quick little video on the direction this movement is pushing in 2017 and as well the webinar Dave Nelson will be running for us tonight (very grateful!). If you have anyone who is interested in knowing more about the cleanse, and wanting to get 2017 off on the right foot - checkout the below video and send them the link! See you all on the call tonight! Happy Hump Day! ✌️


Hope you're all doing very well family!

Just a quick little video on the direction this movement is pushing in 2017 and as well the webinar Dave Nelson will be running for us tonight (very grateful!).

If you have anyone who is interested in knowing more about the cleanse, and wanting to get 2017 off on the right foot - checkout the below video and send them the link!

See you all on the call tonight!

Happy Hump Day! ✌️

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ATTENTION SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA! Join YOR Health Co-Founder, Dennis Wong, and 3-Star White Diamond Michael Mo at our GO GREEN, LIVE BARE event Wednesday, 23 January 2017. We’re kicking off 2017 with transformation and positive change! Learn more here:

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Firstly a HUGE shoutout to those who have taken action on the #GoGreen cleanse and managed to achieve an amazing result just before 🎅🏼🎄 arrives! Those those who are eager to learn more and even do the cleanse during the silly season, be sure to jump onto the call tonight 🎁🎉 7PM Brissy • 8PM Syd/Mel • 10PM NZ See ya then! 🔑🔑 #GoGreen #LiveBare #AnotherOne

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The link between Parkinson's disease and gut bacteria

A thought provoking article on the links between Parkinson's disease and gut health... 🤔💭 Worth the read 👍


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