NT Meat Shack
The NT Meat Shack is a Direct to Retail business supplying affordable budget meat products to the Darwin public.
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facebook.comCONGRATULATIONS THE WINNER OF THE Winnellie Supermarket $40 GIVEAWAY IS Tracey Hustwayte
Another customer cook up with our Pork Ribs...
Hmmmm try this with our delicious Pork Tenderloins!!!!
***** GIVE AWAY TIME ***** To celebrate our new retail outlet coming online, the Winnellie Supermarket at 347 the Stuart Highway, we are giving a $40 voucher to purchase any of our meat products at the Winnellie Supermarket. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LIKE OUR PAGE AND SHARE THIS ORIGINAL POST ON OUR PAGE AND YOU WILL BE IN THE RUNNING. We will announce the winner in a little over a week's time so get to liking and sharing. ***** GIVE AWAY TIME ***** https://youtu.be/6e1IBe8xvJE
Unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of our control we will no longer be supplying our products to IGA Zuccoli for sale at their store. While regrettable we will be working hard to provide people a retail option to our products in the Palmerston area. We will also be having another retail store coming online in Darwin in the next few days, who will be stocking some of our products.