Children's charity at Curl Curl on the Northern Beaches in Sydney. Community Rules - please abide by these rules to keep our page a safe place for all:
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A reminder tickets are still available for the ASX Thomson Reuters Charity Foundation raffle. To support Stewart House and go in the draw to win a Lexus visit
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We are looking forward to enjoying the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race from the Manly Ferry today! This is a great annual fundraising event for Stewart House.
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Merry Christmas from all at Stewart House.
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For all our local supporters (who are over 18!) come along and join us at the Harbord Beach Hotel Monster Christmas Raffle tonight from 4.00pm. All money raised goes to Stewart House.
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We hope Stewart House supporters enjoy the school holidays and take time to relax!
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The children from Stewart House had a fantastic time at the Variety Children's Christmas party!
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Wishing our final group of children for 2016 safe travel back home and we hope they had a memorable time at Stewart House.
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Thank you to all our supporters who donated Christmas gifts for the children at Stewart House this year. You certainly made the children smile!
Boxing Day on Sydney Harbour with Stewart House annual fundraising event.
Limited tickets are still available for the second ferry for the annual Stewart House Boxing Day event on the Manly ferry. Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for children under 12 years. The ferry leaves from Manly Wharf at 12.15pm and you will watch the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race from the water.
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Huge thanks to the Santas and Rainbow family for their AMAZING support of Stewart House through the Santa Sunday Session. They raised over $43,000! A fantastic Christmas gift for Stewart House!
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Bank of America Merrill Lynch employees donate Christmas gifts for the children at Stewart House each year. We appreciate their generosity.
Photos from Stewart House's post
Thank you to our friends Harbord Diggers for hosting a wonderful Christmas party for the children at Stewart House. They all had a fantastic time!